
  • Update Don't forget to VFK Bonfire Quest and more Sand micro quests coming today and tonight sand micro quests
    Also later on Encore End of the summer Sock hop dance and after that Nixies Sea shell  search at five thirty this evening .
    Nixes Beach Items finds come in Sand dollar collection in land ocean shop tonight too That's it for now VFK Besties 
  • Update Don't forget to do Ghost ship Quest and Miss Claira's fall final challenge arrives tonight 
    New Halloween Guest Room arrives tonight and New Halloween Ride arrives tonight too.
    Thats's it for now VFK Besties 
  • edited October 2022
    Update Don't forget to do Cat combs quest before it goes away also there will be Mr. Mummie's  Teleporter Challenge Event this evening at Five PM and There will be a Mr. Mummie's Monster Mash Egyptian Pyramid party tonight the last one .
    VFK's Halloween Second Membership arrives tonight if anyone is interested one thing Don't forget to do the Scavenger hunt that starts outside of Zug tug shop too. That's it for now VFK Besties !
  • edited October 2022
    Update The Ghosts are in The Haunted Victorian Mansion already and also Esmerlda Halloween challenges started already.
    Esmerlda's Halloween Challenge 3 arrives tonight also Halloween Applieque Egyptian arrives tonight also 
    and more Candy corn micro quest arrive tonight too, Mellow Moz Halloween Costume Museum event is tonight also 
    be sure to stop by take a walking tour thought his Halloween costume museum. It will be spooktacular!! most of the Costumes from when VFK first opened in 2008 until now so Enjoy the Spooktacular Costume tour 
    I have a Halloween Joke for all   Knock Who's there's Boo? Boo Who? Don't cry about it's a joke
    Thats's it for Now VFK Besties.
  • Update Don't Forget to Crystal Skull Quest before it goes away also Mintie's 15th Halloween Haunted Mansion Maze this evening at 5PM and also Alex Boys Teleporter Challenge game event is tonight too I am sure it Spooktacular!!!
    Esmerald's Sixth Halloween arrives Tonight 7PM and also Tomb Raider Event 8PM I have a Halloween Riddle for all What is witches favorite school subject?  
    Answer: Spelling     Thats it for now VFK Besties Happy Halloween !!!!!!!
  • @PrincessGirly your posts are so cute and informative!  Keep up the good work!

    I am a total mystery girl!
    Never without my magnifying glass <3
    Thanks to @bluewiz for this amazing Secret Santa Christmas present!!
  • Update Don't forget to do Ghost quest this week before it goes also Antique was opened this Halloween weekend it was 
    a lot of fun  too  and Now Trick or Treat Has begun tonight too Have fun trick or treating all around VFK Tonight.
    Surprise Blitz host hunt for purple corn hat tonight as well Wow fun too.  This Halloween has been so much fun already 
    I went to afternoon Halloween Dance tonight it was fun too  IT's Halloween movie Madness  night at Tiki Theater too
    Don't forget to go to Tiki Theater say Halloween Movie Madness for Spooktacular pin too Thats it for now VFK Besties 
    I have a Halloween Joke for you all Why doesn't a vampire near snow in the winter time?
    Answer : Because he will get frostbite 
  • edited December 2022
    Update Don't forget to Teddy Bear Quest and Veterans mini quest too .
    The Turkey Trail has begun too.  and Don't forget to finish up your Trick or Treating because tomorrow the Halloween celebration ends and Thanksgiving celebration begins also  there angora bunny event tomorrow afternoon 3:30PM - 5:30 PM be sure wear something you can sit in for example Nixie wear and weekend wear ,  Halloween gold stamp book costumes can worn too. and so on.  I have some more news an anonymous person who will remain name less made a  lot of death threats On VFK this person also made a death threat against  more players including a one of my VFK Best friends 
    Elizabeth this anonymous person that she is enemy and I don't know why? what

    Please Speak up and say something if this anonymous says a death threat to you and your friends on VFK 
    and tell the VFK staff about it. Remember we can make VFK a safer place for all of us .
    Beware. That's it for VFK Besties! Happy Autunm  

    Update today Finale Halloween is Celebration is concluded and now Thanksgiving Atmosphere has taken over already enjoy Mr. Turke's first arrived last night at Autunm imports and also Mr. Turke's second challenge arrives tonight too  
    New Thanksgiving Dinner pins arrive in Victorian mazes tonight as prizes. Thats it for now VFK Besties 

    Update Today Miss Claira's Thanksgiving Dinner Pin arrived its only available  until this Tuesday get her collectible pin 
    Tonight is the Thanksgiving Harvest ballroom dance Got a Date? or Going with group of friends? 
    Don't forget Autunm imports will have Thanksgiving Harvest Ballroom Attire later tonight 6:30PM
     The Third teen the Annual Nutty party has Started too That's it for now VFK Besties !

    Update Don't forget to History of Nuts quest too before it goes away tonight Another thanksgiving challenge arrives number 7 Victorian Manni son  is  no longer haunted now its all ready for thanksgiving and the rug is ready for Christmas 
    Don't forget to go Developers blog to share your Christmas Ideas for VFK this year. This Thursday is thanksgiving  What are you all most thankful for this Thanksgiving ?
    I am most thankful my family and friends.  Thats it for now VFK Besties!

    Updated  Don't forget  to do the history of Christmas trees  Quest before it goes away also Christmas memberships have already which one is your favorite ?     There is new Scavenger hunt that starts at Aviary  in the zoo

    my favorite one Very Victorian Christmas one because its so pretty . Don't forget to go Autumn imports store to see Miss Claria say Yes please and thank you to receive her awesome Christmas sweater Thats it for now VFK Besties !


  • Updated Today Don't forget to about my friend Elysabeth's VFK secret Santa gift exchange event happening in just few minutes   and later on tonight the Antique shop opens and also later on tonight Visit Santa Clause  at the North Pole find out If you have been good or bad? any way  That's it for now VFK Besties !

  • Thanks a lot @PrincessGirly  :) :) Im so glad you still update this
  • Update today's morning surprise was Christmas walking Victorian Outfits in Crossword puzzles and word search puzzles  
    Antique shop opens up tonight too also and My first event is afternoon  Holiday Trivia and later tonight 8:15 PM Until 9:00 PM  Christmas Ball attire arrives at Autumn imports store tonight 8:30 PM  and also Christmas Ball room dance tonight at 9:00 PM. That's it for now VFK Besties!  
  • Updated Don't forget about Candy Cane Quest and also Mrs. Clause Tea Party later this evening at 5:00 PM 
    Encore Christmas Ball Later this afternoon at 3:00 PM Be sure pick up your ball attire at imports today
    Later tonight  Santa Clause Event Visit Santa Clause at the North Pole 9:30 PM  Don't forget to dress warm for your visit with Santa burr so cold in the north pole. and before that my  Christmas Fashion show tonight at 8:00 PM until  8:30 PM.
    That's it for now VFK Besties !!  

  • Updated Don't forget to Christmas Mini Quest and Christmas Quest too Before they go away  too
    This evening at 5:30 Pm Ring the New year Host event too. Scavenger hunt for teal light up penguin starts outside General Mercantile too. I can't believe It's almost New years eve already. Anyway Ex friend of  mine got into trouble I am not going to say who the person is because the person is very mad and angry at VFK Staff I don't know why ? what the person did ? or said ?  what ever the person did they got banned from VFK for it I am accouraging you all to please behavior yourselves and please if you have a problem with someone or someone causes a problem just say Please stop it.
    or don't say anything at all just ignore them. Anyway the person came to me said " Did you report me?" I said nope I didn't report you why? maybe the VFK staff saw you doing something or say something that you not purpose to say or do .I don't
    That's it for now VFK Besties !!! 
  • Update its New Years Ever already wow I can't believe it's the end of 2022 already wow.
    Have any of you made New Years resolutions for 2023?  New Years ball Dance tonight 10:00 PM until after Midnight 
    Don't forget to pick your New Years ball attire at Autunm imports tonight as well Do you have a date for New Years Eve Dance? Anyway I have made a list of things that I accomplished this year

    1. Nixie and Rad Summer Challenges with help of a friend 
    2. Buffy's Vip Challenges with help of a friend 
    3. Kirby's challenges
    4. SJ's Food Challenges 
    5. Nixie's Guest room Challenge
    6, Esmeralda's Halloween Challenges with help from Poor be and trinity twinkles star 
    7. Miss Claria's Fall Challenges with the help of friends 
    8. MR. Turkey's Thanksgiving Challenges with the help of friends 
    9.  Minerva's ocean Challenges with help of a Friend
    10. Crossword Puzzle Challenges My best friend forever
    That's it VFK Besties! Have a healthy and Happy New Year! 
  • Update Its New Years Day! Happy Everyone!!! Enjoy 2023 Wow this going to be exciting because its going to be football play offs soon already pretty soon January 29, 2023  will be AFC Championship game day and NFC Championship game day This day we will find out who will next cheerleading outfits on VFK!! and next Football, uniforms too!!!!!!! so exciting. encore New Years Ballroom Dance is right now too purposely  Don't forget to the New years day mini quest and ice fishing quest too before they go away too. Tonight is Firefly's Frozen winter wonderland event  seven thirty PM too
    Finish up your gingerbread contest rooms because they will locking up sometime this week I am not sure what day and time keep your eyes open on the event calendar to find out when. That's it for now VFK Besties !!!! 
    Have A wonderful and Healthy New year ()> Everyone !!!!
  • Update Don't forget to do the New Years mini Quest and Ice fishing quest before it goes away  
    Also Host Fire-flies  Winter wonderland event later this evening at Five thirty PM and Also Reminder to Finish up your gingerbread houses in your gingerbread rooms because the Gingerbread rooms will lock January Fourth , 2023  
    at Eight Thirty PM. be sure to be finished by then. Tomorrow evening at 7:00 PM Angora bunnies will coming to VFK be sure to be  wear either Walking Victorian outfits or Weekend wear Weekend Pajamas or Cinderella costume or Good witch costume or Opera singer or Very Christmas dresses or Suits or walking Victorian suits or belle princess yellow gown too
    phantom of the Opera costumes for the boys Tin man costume etc. That's it for now VFK Besties 
  • edited January 2023
    Updated I am thinking  about starting children's winter theater group where maybe the we would put on Children's Fairytale plays during the winter break too  We will discuss our First play all together  in a meeting room of anyone's choice We will vote on who gets what jobs and actors and actresses 
    Don't forget to the Friday 13th mini quest  and Scavenger hunt for winter orange lantern that starts a Gift shop Austrillia  Zoo  
    Sheep will be around  VFK tonight be sure have your sheep shears on you to get  extra wool for your crafting project needs too. Congratulations to Everyone Gingerbread Room Contest !! Well done everyone ! Any way Gingerbread contest rooms are display now for either week  feel free to stop by and see your favorite  ones That's it for now VFK Besties!!!!
  • edited January 2023
    Update today we got a call from My aunt Linda  saying that my great uncle's Johnny 's  Wife my aunt carol has passed away tonight My Aunt Linda said that their going to have her funeral  on Friday January 20, 2023 and then Bury her on My Great Cousin's friend is going to bury my aunt carol  my great uncle's wife  Don't know if we going to go or not  please send my family your prayers and condolences at this I am going to be crying too 
  • Update Don't forget to do the Chinese  New year mini  quest and Neon Quest before it goes away also the first Winter fox challenge has arrived  in merchant  square in colonial age  Well this is the final week we have to wait to find out who will next new football uniforms and new cheerleader uniforms poms and poms shoes four days left until what I like to call it  NFC  And AFC Championship Day Cheerleading outfit Reveal Day ()>   ()>  Winter Fox hide and seek has begun too its a lot of fun too
    One thing Scavenger hunt Yellow Snowflake lantern starts Australia  Zoo  That's for  now VFK Besties!!!!!!!

  • Okay The winter fox hide and seek continues and don't forget about the scavenger hunt  that starts outside of the Western Hotel in Western Mintie's icy icicle maze is tonight and also another Winter fox challenge arrives tonight too. That's it for now VFK Besties!!!  Ps; Tomorrow a Saturday morning surprise arrives Pink walking  Victorian outfits for Valentines arrive in Crossword puzzles and Word search puzzles all you need too winter lamps or Valentines day lamps next month

  • edited January 2023
    Update I watched the Championship football games yesterday very exciting  games my First game pick was  Eagles  I was right they won the going to the Superbowl again  this year YAY!!!!!!!!! and my second game pick was Chiefs I was right the Chiefs won their game they are going to the Superbowl again YAY!!!! This will be The Chiefs third Cheerleading outfit uniform appearance and third  football uniform appearance too how about that  This will be the Eagles  second appearance cheerleading outfits and second appearance football uniforms too how about that any way  Don't forget to North Pole Quest  before it goes away also Host event tonight Winter Fox Balloon Whirl and ICE coin micro quests  coming tomorrow night  
    Winter Fox Challenge arrives tonight too more Winter fox winter challenge left  That's it for now VFK Besties!!!!!  
  • edited February 2023
    Update anyway tonight Ice icon micro quest arrive and winter fox challenge arrives tonight too Tomorrow another the winter  fox challenge arrives tomorrow night and also Winter fox balloon whirl event tomorrow evening 5:30 PM Scavenger hunt for purple ladylove bug starts outside of General mercantile   That's it for now VFK Besties! 
    after that Then Hopefully the grand finale Winter fox challenge arrives tonight 
  • edited February 2023
    Update Don't forget to your Groundhogs day mini quests  and Don't forget about the scavenger hunt that starts in retro age  at burger cafe  I am announcing  my Children's winter theater play : Sleepy Beauty 
    Auditions will be held  as soon  as I can find out when anyone is free to audition  during the week over the weekend 
    Narrator Reads the first part the story : 
    Princess Aurora: 
    King Stefan:
    Prince Philp
    Three Good fairies
    Fona :
    Mary Weather :
    Maleficent's goon's 
    Maleficent's raven: 
    Maleficent's spinning wheel  prop 
    Songs in the story 
    I wonder 
    Once upon a dream\
    In the Past/ Skump's 
    Kings Knights 
    Kings man a linen player and servant 
    King Herbert :
    Royal guests :

    I need a director  and stage manger  prop person   people with the costumes   background designs  

  • Update Don't forget to History of American Football Quest Before it goes  away  .
    You get your choice of team helmet chair too .  and There is a Host event later this evening at 5:00 PM Valentines Day Teleporter Challenge  and later Valentines cards arrive in gift shop and 15th Globe Collection arrives in  gold stamps book and gold stamp catalog That's it for now VFK Besties!!!!!!!! 
  • Update Buffy's Vip Movie's Challenges  have started  already.   Also Don't forget to say Happy Valentines day or Happy Hearts Day in Every VFK Ages rooms too also the second movie pin came out in colonial age hatch today .
    Tonight is Minties Movie Mazes event so dress up  as  your favorite movie star celebrity or your favorite Boy band members or your favorite  rock star too.  or Your favorite rock band or your favorite actress etc. Have fun pretending being your favorite celebrity That's it for now VFK Besties !!!!
  • edited February 2023
    Updated Don't forget to  Early Western movie Quest and Washington Birthday mini quest  before they go away  also Blitz Event at Gift shop at 5:30 PM Tonight First Movie Pin arrives again for Thirty minutes  
    Later tonight is the Missing films event at 7:30 PM and Buffy's Vip movie Challenges arrives tonight  wow I can't  believe we Very important people on VFK have  three  challenges left Wow.  
    That's it for  now VFK Besties!!!!!  
  • edited February 2023
    Update Don't forget to do National pancake mini quest and also their was  Mintie's  Magical movie maze tonight anyway
    Buffy's Next VIP Challenge arrived wow  We VIP's Only have too more Buffy's VIP Challenges left until we get our new Movie Ultimate Outfits I am so  excited for it I can't wait anyway. That's it for now VFK Besties !!!!!!!!
  • Update Don't forget to do the National Pancake day mini quest before it goes  away soon and don't forget to Washingtons Birthday mini quest too before it goes away soon . Later this after at  3:30 PM missing film event and later on Tonight Buffy's Finale VIP Movie Challenge arrives at 8:30 PM  for Ultimate Movie outfit  Before that Buffy's Movie pin Display  board arrives at Gold stamp store at 7:00PM  Scavenger hunt starts at Aubron Wild Woods for Golden film Reel .
    That's it for VFK Besties!!!!! 
  • Update okay Puzzles Pieces too today Black smith shop and outside hotel in western age  Don't forget to do Crossword Quest and also later this afternoon at  3:00 PM  Crossword puzzles lava lamps arrive at Tiki house in the Australia Zoo
    so Gather up all your credits to get won before they leave too. The Victorian mazes has crossword puzzles awards too .
    That's it for now VFK Besties!!!! 
  • Updated Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!! VFK Besties!!!
    Don't forget to  do the Saint Patrick's Day mini quest too before it goes away 
    also there was  a host event tonight Emerald  ride event too.
    That's it for now VFK Besties!!! I am sorry I have not been  updating my newspaper as much  because I have Chronic  Migraine headaches  I get them sometimes  end being really bad for me

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