Antique Shop OPEN!!!
Antique Shop is FINALLY open!!
Let me know what you guys think!
(Edit: Few items I was able to get)
Brown coffin: 2500 Credits. Black coffin: 2000 Credits. T-shirt: 1000 credits
Not sure of the price of the rug.
DAY 2! 10/09
Notification of re-stocking! New PIN! And Parrot randomly gives out card or coin!Thoughts on Antique Shop
- What do you think of the Antique Shop?
- Love it!58.62%
- It's okay!13.79%
- Thumbs Down!27.59%

I think the shop is good, I like it! It's something different, unique! But didn't think they were that serious about the limited items thing, I thought that Oh you know items will retire after a week or so XD But they are disappearing within seconds literally!
Luckily I got the shirt, and two coffins! But it's tiring waiting for the items to reappear again, and then having it be sold out! More waiting then! It's a struggle hahaha!
For the first day I'll rate it 6/10 (not very fond of the ticket thing as well, plus seems like we have to get a new ticket every day hmm not happy about that)
Hopefully more changes are coming! Let's see what happens! :)
I have a 5* Q magic with someone's name on it for a set of today's items (Both coffins, both rugs, all 4 pictures/posters, and the boy shirt)
"But 10 stamps is barely anything! You can manage!"
Okay yes but with many desired gold stamp items (pets and mounts cough cough) costing several thousand gold stamps, AND only receiving ~10,000 gold stamps upon one single monthly membership purchase, 10 gold stamps can make a difference.
The ticket itself is apparently trade-able to non-members, which kind of takes away the point of a "V.I.P. Store," and with the items within the store also being trade-able AND in limited quantity, VFK's ridiculous stock market is going to hit the fan.
A ton of people had very high hopes for this so-called "V.I.P. Exclusive" store, including myself. For a store that was rumored by staff that it would be for members and similar to the Gold Stamp store, the Antique Store is clearly lacking.
Maybe over the next few weeks my opinion will change, but this is my honest first impression.
Very well said, I am also a person who likes to spend stamps on mounts and pets and to have that ripped away was harsh. I will say though, that I do appreciate the rare effect to these items. I think they should change the pass to 10 credits and for ONLY members to access the stores and certain things to be VIP-ONLY tradable. Nothing against nonmembers, of course. But I agree that it's ridiculous we spend our money on the game and then nonmembers get this supposedly exclusive feature too. Seems a bit unfair to us members. But well, only one can hope for this to change... I could hardly get any items due to both the craze and the fact nonmembers got a hold of a ticket as well.
Update: Day 2 of the Antique Shop!
Still crazyyy!!!