Miss Clue Fanatic: Season 5, Part 13 (Part 1 of 3)

Scene: At the Darcy home, Lucy is about to reveal the message

Martha: Well? What does it say?

Lucy: I-It's from Harry Pierce! He has John!

Martha: What, how, when! Agh, give me that letter!

Lucy: Poor John! We should have listened to him!

Martha: He wants us to pay a price of TWO thousand dollars in order to free him.. Where on earth are we going to get that money??

Lucy: I know! Mom and Dad have plenty of money on their cards, maybe we could--

Martha: No, no, we can't do that. We would need to know their bank account.

Lucy: Oh.. That's true.

Martha: I say we should march right into that lab and get John back, without paying!

Lucy: Come on Martha, the lab is well-guarded. We need to think of something better.

Martha: Well, how else are we going to-- Oh great...

Lucy: What is it? Don't tell me it's more bad news!

Martha: Yes... And no, sort of. I got an idea, it's CRAZY, but it might just work.

Scene: In their bedroom, Martha and Lucy are having a video-call with a certain someone in Pemberley

Martha: For crying out loud, just accept the call already!

Lucy: If we're patient, it'll be answered eventually.

Martha: We don't have time for "eventually"-- Finally!

Lucy: Heh.. Hello, Julia. -Waves at the screen-

Julia: No, no, no! It's you two again!

Martha: Well, we aren't too happy to see you either.

Julia: Ugh! I'm hanging up!

Lucy: No, don't! We need your help!

Julia: My help? Tell me, why would I EVER, and I mean EVER, help ANYONE from the DARCY family? 

Martha: Not even if it's about your father?

Julia: What? What about my father? And this better not be some trick!

Lucy: He has our friend, John. He's expecting us to pay at least two thousand dollars for him, we can't afford that.

Julia: Okay, so what? I don't care about John, and I don't care if you can't get him back. So I---

Martha: If you don't help us, we'll call the police, and your beloved father will be back behind bars.

Julia: What, no! You wouldn't dare!

Lucy: Um, yeah, don't you think that's a little bit too harsh, Martha?

Julia: Yeah! Listen to her!

Martha: Make a decision. Are you going to help us, or not?

Julia: Of course I'm not going to help you, I would be crazy if I did that!

Lucy: Julia, come on! You have to help us!

Martha: It's okay Lucy, Julia has made her choice. Guess it's time to end this call and then dial 911... -Reaches for the 'Cancel Call' button-

Julia: Okay, okay, FINE! I'll help you.

Martha: Knew you would come to your senses. -Grins-

Julia: Whatever! I'll be there tomorrow! -Hangs up-

Scene: At Alice's house...

Alice: No way! You actually convinced Julia?

Lucy: Well, we didn't really "convince" her... But sure, I guess you could say that.

Alice: You guys do realize that she could be tricking you, right?

Martha: Obviously, but don't worry, we have everything planned out.

Alice: Well, I hope that your plan works. Because if it doesn't, who knows what could happen to John...

Martha: -Sighs- Yeah, I know.

Lucy: How did John even get himself into this situation?

Alice: No idea, but it is John we're talking about, after all.

Martha: You're going to help us, right Alice?

Alice: Duh! John is my best friend, and Harry Pierce is my best enemy. Of course I'm helping.

Lucy: All of this talk about Harry Pierce is making me get scared! -Hugs her panda teddy bear-

Martha: Lucy, you actually brought that with you? You're ten now, ten!

Lucy: Don't care, it's special to me. My friend Echo gave it to me, remember?

Martha: That was 4 years ago!

Alice: Cousins cousins, enough fighting. We have more important things to focus on.. Freeing John.

Stay tuned for Season 5, Part 14! (Part 2 of 3)

FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!

Signature By TacoCat


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