Where is it?



  • I found a piece of paper with some interesting pictures.
  • WOOO This is a very imporant piece of paper it tells you how to use the cobra weights! 
  • The weights are placed! Now what?
  • Hold on just a moment! :)
  • Ok.
  • Did you set the clock after every time that you hung a snake weight?
  • No, why?
  • Oh, right! I forgot!
  • Would you like a list of what order to place them in?!
  • Yes please!
  • Place the snake that ticks 2 times to the right of the fireplace in the library,
    then set the clock to 2:25, and the clock should chime three times!
    Then, go to your bedroom and place the snake weight that ticks 3 times, in the compartment next to the window.
    Then set the clock to 7:10, the clock should then chime once.
    Go to the hallway upstairs, and in the compartment behind the picture, place the snake that ticks once in there!
    Then, set the clock to 4:45, and it should chime 4 times!
    Next, go to the lab and place the last snake (the one that ticks 4 times) in the compartment next to the door.
    Then, go back to the library, and set the clock to 10:15, and you should be set!

    This is the piece of paper that explains all of this!

  • Thanks!
  • You're very welcome! :) Good luck!
  • Thanks! I'll really need it.
  • I found a hidden room in the ceiling!
  • I have to sign off for tonight, goodnight!
  • You too!
  • Have a great evening! :)
  • Thanks, good afternoon!
  • How do I open the cabinet in the secret room in the ceiling?
  • Good afternoon @Cyder! :)
  • Hold on just a moment, and I will get you some pictures!
  • Ok.
  • First, you need to thoroughly investigate the desk over here!  Be sure to check out the scrolls, too!

  • Then, if you've found a blue key, it goes over here in this box!

  • Let me know once you're at this part!
  • Done! The key is inserted, but nothing happened when I flipped the lever, now what?
  • Now go over here, to the side cabinet, and turn the handles like this:


    Then set the pressure gauge to 80 PSI:


  • Then go to the circle cabinet, and press the button on the right side of it!
    When it opens, follow the combination on this piece of paper, that you saw in the cabinet with the large switch and key!

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