The Kingdom (New Book!)
Hi hi! I have decided to try and draw a VFK manga sort of thing! It's called The Kingdom and it'll come out in volumes and be a fantasy type thing along with some adventures I've had with my friends in VFK! In this discussion I'll explain a few things about it (That may change later on as the first volume will be sort of a test run to figure out what I'm doing heh) and kind of just how everything works. I hope you enjoy!!
The phone:
In the story every character has a phone. This holds the event calendar, rooms list, friends list, and such while making it so it is the character's actual lives, not an online game. The friends list is like contacts, except you send messages instead of texts and IM instead of call! The room list works where you get signed in to enter a room and you teleport there rather than walking all the way to the room. The event calendar works as any calendar it just has vfk events! So just think of the phone as kind of the menu button but in a way they could use it in their natural lives.
The Necklaces:
Almost every character has one. This necklace is obtained when you become a citizen of the kingdom, giving you the powers to take on a form like an animal, but there is a catch. Only Gods and Goddesses get a necklace. Meaning every character you see that has the special necklace is some sort of god or goddess, and yes for some characters it may be hidden or worn differently!
Enchantments were given to all citizens by the gods, though you do have to go through a slight test to see if you are worthy, which is how i plan to incorporate all quests from the game.
Teleporting is just a natural thing for the characters, though its only really used for events and going to public houses and such.
The Ages:
The ages are all different towns that you can get to through the crossroads.
I plan to put housing either at the Victorian house are in Victorian age or in Colonial age!
The staff:
Since this is supposed to be a real life sort of thing, people don't staff a kingdom like they do a game. That's why I plan to have certain staff be mayors to certain ages! (ex: enigma mayor of medieval)
If you have any other questions please comment bellow! and please, Do not steal or use any of my ideas, characters, designs, or anything related to the book!
Here's a sneak peak cover to The Kingdom Volume 1!

Can't wait to get this out! Have a wonderful day!
The phone:
In the story every character has a phone. This holds the event calendar, rooms list, friends list, and such while making it so it is the character's actual lives, not an online game. The friends list is like contacts, except you send messages instead of texts and IM instead of call! The room list works where you get signed in to enter a room and you teleport there rather than walking all the way to the room. The event calendar works as any calendar it just has vfk events! So just think of the phone as kind of the menu button but in a way they could use it in their natural lives.
The Necklaces:
Almost every character has one. This necklace is obtained when you become a citizen of the kingdom, giving you the powers to take on a form like an animal, but there is a catch. Only Gods and Goddesses get a necklace. Meaning every character you see that has the special necklace is some sort of god or goddess, and yes for some characters it may be hidden or worn differently!
Enchantments were given to all citizens by the gods, though you do have to go through a slight test to see if you are worthy, which is how i plan to incorporate all quests from the game.
Teleporting is just a natural thing for the characters, though its only really used for events and going to public houses and such.
The Ages:
The ages are all different towns that you can get to through the crossroads.
I plan to put housing either at the Victorian house are in Victorian age or in Colonial age!
The staff:
Since this is supposed to be a real life sort of thing, people don't staff a kingdom like they do a game. That's why I plan to have certain staff be mayors to certain ages! (ex: enigma mayor of medieval)
If you have any other questions please comment bellow! and please, Do not steal or use any of my ideas, characters, designs, or anything related to the book!
Here's a sneak peak cover to The Kingdom Volume 1!
Can't wait to get this out! Have a wonderful day!
Just an artist who loves anime and video games!

@Princess_Tropic Thanks so much!
@Fowzy Ahh thank you! I hope to get it up soon!