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    • Doodlepufflove
      WHOAAA wicked giveaway dazzler!!! I entered!
    • Trinityy
      Great giveaway Dazzler! Woot
  • Christmas_was_Here
    November 2016
  • Hi Dazzle, if you hurry you may enter the contest, but it has to be in by October 20, 2016
    October 2016
  • ShiningTheLight
    July 2016
  • Wow getting caught up on the message boards!
    May 2016
  • CandyCars
    Hey! Would you be interested in coming by VFK TODAY to talk about the Sleuthing Team? :D
    January 2016
    • dazzlerdream
      Yes, that would be splendid! Is there a time you would like to meet? I am free pretty much all day!
    • CandyCars
      Episode 15 ( which is out today ) was already full, so over the next too weeks we can get together and work out a time! :D
  • hey this puzzle for  the hidden passage will not work. i try your hint but i still will not work. 
    WHAT DO I DO ?
    December 2015
  • Super_Princess_Rosalina
    Okay thanks for letting me use the idea! I'll give credit and plan out the team and questions!
    November 2015
  • Super_Princess_Rosalina
    Hey Dazzle! I was wondering if I could do something like the tournament like you did? I'm just asking first so I won't be copying! But instead of me asking Miss Clue questions I'll do VFK questions or other things! Is it okay with you that I do the tournament idea? I will give credit to you and I understand if you don't want me too.
    November 2015
  • CandyCars
    Hey! Would you be interested in doing an interview for VFK TODAY about the tournament? :D
    November 2015
    • dazzlerdream
      That would be wonderful, I would love to! What time shall we meet?
  • CandyCars
    Hey! So I was thinking me and some of the VFK TODAY team ( if they are available ) can be like the announcers maybe! Then show it on the show? :D
    October 2015
    • dazzlerdream
      That would be so awesome candycars! I was really hoping you could do that! Thank you!! I will send you a private message when the in VFK round has a final date and what it will be on!
  • (tosses down bags and falls into a chair) phew! where did the week go? did anyone else notice that the week went by super fast?! I love the activity page for posting daily life things! So anyway, how is everyone?
    September 2015
    • showjumpingbird
      yea smmer is almst over i wish it werent im not ready for autumn
    • Doodlepufflove
      Hi dazzle!! WB!!! i know, these weeks in Sept have been going by crazy fast, if only there were some way to make the time move slower! >:U
    • chubbysnowman
      Welcome back!! Do I know right!!! :O
  • CandyCars
    Hey! I have a question for you next time you are online! :-)

    September 2015
  • Super_Princess_Rosalina
    Hiya Dazzle!
    August 2015