The Life of Lucy! PART 1
I just want something to do for a while.....
"Hey Lucy" "Love the new hair" "Hey Lucy" "OMG Hey!" Strangers said as I passed the hallway to my next period. Sophomore year was going to be the best! I had a cute new pink strike to go along with my blonde hair. I was making a fashion statement I knew it was either going to affect me or it was going to show a statement to the world. The Maroon and White tiles on the cafeteria never got old. Jim the Janiter was cleaning it up when suddenly I stopped. I screamed. I had a cute silver top on with laced ribbons on the back, slim jeans, and silver converse. Today was going to be different people were going to notice me. Wait Not TODAY was going to be different. This school YEAR was going to be different.... one way or another.
" BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP " Went my black digital alarm clock. I groaned as I made myself got out of bed to brush my teeth, and get dressed for work. As I was brushing my teeth my dog Buster came in and grabbed my towel. " great" I mumbled to myself. I was leaking water from my chin as I rinsed my mouth out. I went into the laundry room to get another towel. Then it struck me.... THIS WAS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! I think I screamed too loud because at that exact same moment it hit me. It was the first day of school, but another loser Lucy Day for me. I had a dream.. where I was popular and cool... but that was just a dream, not in a billion years I think I could be that. "I'll Get it!" I said as the phone started ringing. It was probably my BFFL, Emma who happens to be the smartest person I know and in High School..... Maybe the whole town! Her GPA Is 4.00....... Well here we go to school!
Stay tuned for part 2
What do YOU think
- Is it good? -so far-
- IT'S AMAZING But PinkyB's are the best! ;) Pinky Is my idol xD LOLOL100.00%
- eh not really :/  0.00%
