Princess Girly's VFK Awards Nominations Announcement

I am going to be hosting a VFK Awards this year and I am going to announce Catalogue's Nominations too
 Best  Event of the Year 2024  Nominations are Doughnut invasion ,  ,  VFK Minties, Mazes,  Anniversary Stone henge cake party  Vintages Movie Magical movie maze  
Favorite VFK  Player Events  Star spirit with gingerbread Christmas ride .  Angel, Kat, for her Halloween ride event .
OOPS for his amusement park events  , and Ormonde for his  Amazing Ride events and game .
Best Hosts of the Year Nominations  more than won are VFK Mintie , VFK Vintage ,  VFK Enigma VFK Surfer,  VFK Hawk ,  VFK Sky, VFK Cactus. 
Best Player Event host

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    • VFK Most helpful player ,  VFK most Fashionista player   VFK Best friends award ,   VFK Social butterfly  ,
      VFK Kindness  player award ,  VFK favorite Musical group that player put together  ,  VFK Favorite Boyband put together by a player  VFK Favorite K- pop group put together by a VFK player
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