Stuck at the end

I'm at the very end where I need to change the astrolabe to trick Clement's bandits, but when I change the dial to 08/29 nothing happens. I have the poem Jane wrote, but I think I missed writing down the date when I got the attic key. Now Clement is back and I can't do anything there. Any tips?


  • Hi Guest123268,


    If you're ready to set the trap for Clement, then you should have a slip of paper in your inventory with the date on it.  If the date is 08/29 then you need to ride to the hunting lodge and go to the astrolabe on the side table.  
    Turn the left knob to: 8   
    Turn the Right Knob to: 5

    If Jane is not writing down the numbers it could be you have not written the poem yet,  if that is the case, you need to go to Jane's Desk in her room and click on the quill pen!

    If you have already written the poem and Jane is still not filling in the date let us know and we can investigate further!

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