Miss Clue Fanatic: Season 5, Part 12
Scene: The children are outside of the hospital
John: Haven't you seen the poll results, Martha!? People agree with me, I'm obviously right!
Martha: What poll??
John: Never mind... The point is, no matter what, we can't trust Harry Pierce.
Alice: Um, guys, speaking of Pierce... Where is he?
Lucy: Oh no! What if he ditched us?
John: See! I told you!
Martha: Alright, alright. Calm down everyone. Let's just look for him and see where he went, okay?
Alice: Martha and I could look inside, while you two look out here.
Lucy: Good plan Alice! Come on John, let's go search!
John: -Mumbles- This is a waste of time...
Scene: Martha and Alice enter Andrew's hospital room
Nurse #1: It's a miracle, a miracle!
Nurse #2: I can't believe it actually worked!
Alice: -Whispering- What are they talking about?
Martha: I have no idea... Ahem! Excuse me?
Nurse #1: Oh! What are you two doing here?
Alice: We're visitors. I'm Alice- er, Kristi Gardiner. And this is Martha Rose Darcy.
Nurse #1: Oh, yes! You two were on the list. You came just in time, Andrew is recovering!
Martha: Recovering?? How!
Nurse #2: You can thank Harry Pierce, it was all because of him!
Nurse #1: Who would have thought that the medicine would be so effective?
Martha: So, it really did work.. Ha, in your face John!
Alice: May we talk to Andrew?
Nurse #2: Not yet, he's sleeping right now. He'll be awake in about 40 minutes.
Martha: Wait until everyone hears about this!
Scene: 17 days later at the Darcy home...
(TV) News Reporter: After saving a young, teenage boy named Andrew Gardiner from death, Harry Pierce and his team have made millions of dollars! People from all over the world have purchased the vaccine, curing thousands of people infected with the disease! We will be hearing from Harry Pierce soon, to find out his opinion on this huge success. We will also be hearing from---
-Martha turns off the TV-
Lucy: Hey! I thought we were watching that!
Martha: Sorry... I just got a weird feeling suddenly.
Lucy: Maybe it's because we're seeing Harry Pierce as the... I don't know, good guy, for once.
Martha: Yeah, it is pretty strange I'll admit, but there's something else too.
Lucy: Well, what is it then?
Martha: It all just seems shady, for some reason.
Lucy: So in other words, you're agreeing with John now?
Martha: I guess I am. But, he kept his word and healed Andrew, so I suppose there isn't anything to be suspicious about.
-The doorbell rings-
Lucy: I'll get it! -Rushes to the door-
Lucy: -Opens the door- Hello? Anyone here? Weird... -Looks down and sees a note- Martha, we have mail!
Martha: Mail? From who?
Lucy: I didn't read it yet-- Oh my gosh...
Stay tuned for Season 5, Part 13! (Part 1 out of 3)
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!