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Rose's Super Blog - Post 22 - Good Luck Arrives
The blogs are finally back! Haven't posted one in months! Anyways a lot of the blog posts in the past have involved around bad luck but this is good luck! This is another VFK post but it also involves another site. I think next blog post I'll try to do a real life one! Ok here is the story:
So about 2 days ago during the closing party we got teleported the hotel! You know that spinning game in there? If not its the game where you have to choose between green and blue and if you get the wrong color you chose you lose. Now you can win a yeti statue that you can buy with ice coins if you earned 12800 points at the time. It used to be 6400 but then it got changed. So I decided to try it because I had not tried it in a while. I did not think I was gonna get very far but I still gave it a shot! I always said "green and blue" and "blue and green" because I think the color you choose if you say both is based on which one you say first. But anyways I kept winning its like the trick actually worked! I couldn't believe my luck right now! But then it was getting close to the bells of... DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!! Once they went off VFK would do maintenance and everyone would get disconnected. So I was hoping to lose soon so I wouldn't lose anything. I lost at 6400. If only the scores didn't go up then I would of won something!! But that beat my record as I never got that far before! I usually make it to like 100-400 before I lose. But then staff lowered the score and gave me the prize so in result I ended up beating my record and winning! :D
Ok another good luck thing that happened the next day happened on this site. I won't mention the name because of third party but it is some picture editing site. I love making Pokemon pictures on there. Now they do competitions every week and I always enter the anime one because Pokemon is a anime. There are usually a few hundred entries each competition. I've actually been entering them before I even got into Pokemon. Before I got into Pokemon I would just enter a picture of a anime like character of something I liked back then. The very first time I entered these competitions was August 22, 2014. I know that because there is a page that tells you the date. But when I got into Pokemon I always entered Pokemon stuff because Pokemon is a anime. I've always wanted to place in at least the top 10 with a Pokemon picture! There was a incident that happened like a year ago when I checked my rank and it kept saying I was at 1 and it told me that right at the end so I thought I had won but I was actually 11th. I've never gotten in the top 10 once but then last week I entered a picture in hopes to win as always but it was at rank past 40 for sometime so I thought it had no chance of winning. So then when the competition was over I checked because last time it said I was at 6 but I knew it was going to change. But then when I looked... I WON 1ST! I finally won after ALMOST 3 YEARS! I was quite surprised to see that! :D
So with these 2 things happening I wonder if this is a sign that good luck will be arriving? I haven't gotten terrible luck like before for some time. Maybe 2017 will be a very lucky year for me but I don't want to jinx it so I will stop talking about it now!
So this ends this blog! Sorry its a very long blog. Now I haven't done this in a while on a blog post but here is a poll! :)
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"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥
"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥
"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥
"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥
"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥