Whats Your Favorite Miss Clue Series?

I'm bored and I was looking at @walrus's post on Miss Clue which inspired me so I decided to make a new discussion on: Whats your favorite Miss Clue series that has been released so far? Or what are your thoughts on all of them? Here are my thoughts on all of them:

Formula For Danger: Loved it! The plot was awesome! It took 4 months to finish the entire series but it was still awesome! I remember when a plot twist happened and the chapter ended I was like: ":O I need to play the next chapter NOOWWW!!" Okay I don't think thats exactly what I was like but still I was something like that! Anne's library looked awesome! I hope VFK releases a in game room of it one day! I wonder if one day they will release all of the rooms in the series? That would be awesome! We got the main room of the Twins Pine Resort! I wonder what more will be released in VFK? Okay I'm going off topic but I think thats all I have to say! Did any of you notice that its been more than a year since the first Miss Clue chapter came out?

Okay on to the next series:

Secret of the Haunted Garden: Before the first chapter of this series came out I thought it might have a bit of scariness in it! Kind of scary like the headless horseman level in Sleepy Hollow/Hidden Passages! To be honest the Horseman level in Hidden Passages was quite scary to me! I was excited for the Haunted Garden cause I like scariness sometimes! When the first chapter came out I loved the house that Jane/Mrs Danfourth was in! Reminds me a bit of my grandma's house. xD Okay back on topic! The plot was awesome! I loved the designs too! I remember on the last chapter it was SO hard to drain the fountain! It was so frustrating! There wasn't any scariness much to me but I still loved the game and the plot!

Peril in Pemberley: I actually haven't played this game yet so I can't give a review! But it looks awesome!

Cruise Most Deadly: It is awesome! I actually haven't caught up on all the chapters yet but I better get to it soon! Plot looks awesome and I love the cruise room design! It made me want to finish my cruise business but I'm still unsure of what room to use as my cruise room for!

I believe thats all the series! Miss Clue is so awesome! I wonder what more VFK has for us on Miss Clue? :O What are your thoughts on all the series? And whats your favorite series? Mine I think has to Secret of the Haunted Garden! 8-X  Here is a poll to vote below:

Whats Your Favorite Miss Clue Series?
  1. Favorite Miss Clue series?
    1. Formula For Danger
    2. Secret of the Haunted Garden
    3. Peril in Pemberley
    4. Cruise Most Deadly
"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥


  • Formula For Danger was my absolute favorite!!!!! loved all the puzzles in it!!!

  • I found Formula for Danger and Secret of the Haunted Garden to be a bit tricky (which I enjoyed)
    I'm finding Cruise Most Deadly a bit easier but I like it as well! 
    and I haven't gotten Peril in Pemberley (yet) but it's looks like fun
    art gallery 2
    "All he wanted was a hug and Piper set him on fire" - VFK_Vintage
    "YOU CHEESE CUBES >:U" - VFK_Enigma
    "If I had a bucket of cheese spread and a mop ... I'd coat the floor in cheesiness." - VFK_Enigma
    "I'm sorry I ruined your lives and crammed eleven cookies into the VCR.” - Buddy the elf
    "Panic! at the Space Party Boat" - VFK_Vintage

  • My name isn't Kenny. It's Ken now!
    Just an artist who loves anime and video games!
  • Miss Clue Fanatic. ;) LOL, just kidding.

    Formula For Danger FTW! (For the win)

    FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!

    Signature By TacoCat

  • Secret of the haunted garden!

  • I'd have to say Formula for Danger! I am LOVING Cruise Most Deadly but since it's not finished yet I guess, for me, it's too early to give it a complete review. So for now im saying Formula for Danger!!!

    so many questions and NO DONUTS



  • Cruise most Deadly!  I'm dying from the koala cuteness!
    64HBS56TE0AI TY Jessizoid!

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