Miss Clue Fanatic Part Two!

edited September 2015 in General

Scene: Martha, Lucy, Jane, and Josh arrive at Anne's house

Martha: Uhh...Dad?

Josh: Yes?

Martha: I think you got the wrong directions.

Jane: He didn't. -Points to a house next door- We're now neighbors with Anne!

Martha: Woot!

Lucy: Noooo!

Martha: What's your problem?

Lucy: That means we'll live next to Andrew too!

Josh: Now now Lucy, Andrew isn't that bad.

Lucy: Dad, he reminds me of Sid from Toy Story!

Jane: Everything will be fine, don't worry!

Martha: Well what are we waiting for? Let's go into our home!

Next scene: They enter their home

-Anne and Andrew come out of nowhere-

Anne: Welcome home!!!

Andrew: Welcome home I guess.

Jane: Anne, Andrew! How sweet!

Josh: Good to see you two again!

-Martha and Lucy hug Anne-

Martha: We've missed you!

Lucy: Yeah!

Anne: So have I!

Andrew: -Is listening to music on headphones-

Anne: -Takes headphones- Spend time with your family!

Andrew: But mom!

Anne: Nope, no buts.

Jane: Let's have lunch shall we?

Next scene: Jane is saying goodnight to Martha and Lucy

Jane: Do you like our new home?

Martha: Totally!

Lucy: I guess.

Jane: Good.

Lucy: But at least I had my own room.

Martha: What are you trying to say?

Lucy: You snore like a pig!

Martha: I do not!

Lucy: Wanna bet?

Jane: -Laughs- That's enough girls. Goodnight!

Martha and Lucy: Night mom!

Lucy: -Hears something out the window- Huh?

Lucy: -Looks out window and gasps-

Stay tuned for part three!

FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!

Signature By TacoCat


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