@Teapotprincess Once you enter, I'll message you the title of a player Friday evening. You will get that person a gift for Christmas -- it can be anything! You'll also receive a gift from your Secret Santa. The person you're assigned won't know that you're their Secret Santa, and you won't know who your Secret Santa is until Christmas Eve/Christmas day. It's a lot of fun! Let me know if you'd like to participate.
At this time, all Secret Santa pairings have been sent! If you have not heard from me, please let me know.
You can send your gift anytime between now and Christmas. I suggest wrapping your gift twice and make the message of the second wrapping say "Don't open till Christmas!"
If you are not friends with your assigned person, you can wrap the gift and trade it to me -- I am friends with everyone entered so I will ensure it gets delivered on time.
If anyone wants their gift delivered in the early AM hours Christmas Day, you can wrap and trade it to me as well. This will ensure you remain anonymous until the moment the user opens their gift.
Lastly, if you are seeing this thread for the first time and want to join, please message me on here or in game. I can do a second round if we get enough people to sign up.
Ok Can I join the Secret Santa