Room size management ideas
Hey guys! I posted this in the most recent Developer Blog post comments but I thought a separate thread for it wouldn't hurt as it's an idea that I feel many people on VFK would appreciate and utilize:
VFK should allow room owners to automatically boot players who are AFK or inactive after a set amount of time, from maybe 5 minutes to an hour or so. That would help the phenomenon of popular rooms being full. Also, maybe consider raising the room limit from 25 to something more? Maybe 40-50 at the most.
Just suggestions to help make hosting rooms on VFK easier!
ETA: I also think VFK should add trading indicators to tell others in the room that two people are trading each other, so that owners know who is trading and who's just AFK.

But I’m all for expanding room limit or auto-booting afk people after a set time as well as the trading symbols would be super useful as well! Magic had them and they were handy.
About room limit, if 50 people managed to get in a room, imagine the lag with the chat though.. assuming most people are talking.