Miss Clue and Me 1#
Welcome to Miss Clue and Me 1# This series is a comedy between me playing and watching her blunt and oblivious reactions!
Miss Clue and Me Present To You: Formula For Danger
Intro plays: Tries to see what the series is she is reading that's on the picture on top of the letter. Volume 1 2 and 3 Wow much be interesting...
Yummy donuts!!! Random side note...
Her: I'd better not leave without my room key. Me: Yeah, that would be smart.Thanks for not telling me where it is..
Can;t find it looks up on internet..
*Listens to background music Miss Clue; Continues with her day. Me: I should learn to play this.. IT'S BEAUTIFUL!!
Took me an hour to find the key thanks @dazzlerdream :))
Finally gets key..
Puts match on stove *Whoosh Love the sound effect XD
Makes donuts makes my mouth water.. Luckily yesterday I had a jelly filled donut yum!
Is to busy writing lets a poor donut burn cries I'm SORRY I'M SO SORRY!!Hold funeral
Waits as it sizzles for sizzle...
Waits.... waits..
Clicks the empty pan. her: I need a donut!! ME: DON'T WE ALL!!!
Finishes finally.
Hears scream. Omi gosh???? What was that.
Me: A PERSON!!!!
Well that's all for now! Thanks for reading!
Well thanks! I might just have to do that XD
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!