Trading Leaf Crate and Basket Set

edited May 2020 in VFK Trading Post
Looking to trade these as a set:

1x Autumn Leaf Collection - Crate
1x Autumn Leaf Collection - Basket

Searching for:

Exchange items:
Dusty Manor - Dressing Table
Dusty Manor - Hat Boxes
Dusty Manor - Clock

Haunted Garden - Dyer Mansion - Peacock Desk\Chair
Haunted Garden - Dyer Mansion - Peacock Harp
Haunted Garden - Dyer Mansion - Peacock Screen

Haunted Hotel Lobby - Dead Roses
Haunted Hotel Lobby - Statue
Haunted Hotel Lobby - Dusty Luggage
Haunted Hotel Lobby - Baggage Cart - Red/Teal

Membership items:
Zoofari Peacock Statue
Zoofari Luggage
Zoofari Ground Peacock
Zoofari Travelers Trunk
Zoofari Camp Canopy
Zoofari Camp Bed

Any Bayou items

Explorer 2018 items
Haunted Harp - Antique
Floating Magicians Assistant - Antique
Magician Water Chamber - Antique
Travelers Trunk - Antique
Pegasus Statue - Antique


  • edited May 2020
    I could do 1 of every bayou item & 1 of every zoofari item you listed for the set :) @Fudgums 

  • Anything else your looking for? I am looking for your Mouse King outfit
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