Let's Talk- Pet Peeves
With every person there is always one (or more) specific things that are guaranteed to trigger someone's anger/annoyance. These certain things are known as 'pet peeves' and almost everyone has them. So, out of curiosity, what are yours? Do we share the same ones? Here are mine:

Dried bread crumbs. This really irks me when you find stale bread crumbs in the peanut butter jars. Yes, this is kind of an odd one but for people who have siblings this might happen to you. Sometimes I like to put the peanut butter in a cup just to eat and then, come to find out, I discover dry, stale, bread crumbs and ugh. Yuck.
Wet peanut butter smell. This is also an odd one and is quite hard to explain. It's the smell left on someone's breath after they've eaten something with peanut butter or the smell emitted from the dirty dishes as you're washing them. I don't really know how to explain it but I just get really grossed out for no reason at all. It's weird.
Wet food. Ah, dishes, the chore that nobody seems to want to do. Especially me because in my family, they don't bother to scrape off their plates into the garbage and instead stick it right into the sink so as I reach in the water to wash them and....my hand touches food. Ew. This is literally my reaction:

Judging by the memes created with this topic, I'd say its fairly common. Anyway, that's about all I have to say about my pet peeves, so what are yours?
"I'm not great with advice, may I offer a sarcastic comment instead?"
Having to throw away the empty Kleenex box and open a new box. Change the empty roll of the TP and put a new one.
People chewing with their mouth open - YES - @Jessizoid
People who start eating the food before they check out and have to hand the open food to be scanned I have no idea why this irritates me so much o.o
I HATE having the TP roll empty, but then I leave it empty sometimes too >:D
Running in buildings... unless its an emergency.
Loud chewers
Super picky eaters at restaurants (for example... "MIX in a SLICE of cheese in the eggs, not shredded into or placed on top")
People who complain about EVERYTHING
I have tons of pet peeves, but these seem to be the worst.
* People who invite themselves in other peoples conversations
* Getting tapped on the shoulder
* People who put all of their busy out there
I need to practice patience and compassion with others.