Antique Shop Opening Tuesday :/
I am glad it's coming back, but I'm super distraught that it's on a Tuesday. I have class the entire hours that the antique shop will be open because I am in college. I only have class Mondays and Tuesdays, so I had to miss two of the three events last week too, and now I'm going to miss possibly the only antique shop opening for next week? Ugh. Talk about bad luck. I wish that VFK would make it open on a day that a lot of us don't have stuff to do. Saturday, Sunday or possibly Friday would be amazing instead.
That being said, if anyone out there with a kind soul could purchase and save some antiques for me on Tuesday, I would be immensely grateful. I would trade for them of course, and I have a pretty vast furniture inventory to trade for them. I have had a hard enough time trading for all the antiques I missed, and I don't want a repeat and to only add more to my list of missing antiques.
So PLEASE help a fellow VFK player out. Thanks so much for your time.
I'll let you know
"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥