'Til Death Do Us Part: A Scarlett Danforth Story (STORY ONE)
Scarlett Danforth, a college student from Columbia University, had a mind of her own: considering her father is a judge and her mother was a police officer, she inherited her mother's curiosity and her father's quick judgment and interest for law. When Scarlett's friend, Alice, becomes engaged, Scarlett becomes the maid of honor. Little did anyone know... it would turn up very deadly.

Scarlett: -walks inside the quaint apartment building she is sharing with Alice, her best friend of ten years. She notices a letter addressed to her. Scanning the area, Alice is nowhere to be found. Curiously, Scarlett opens the letter. It is a wedding invitation.. for Alice's wedding.-
{Suddenly, Alice walks out of her bedroom}
Alice: "I see you have read the note. I would be honored if you would be my maid of honor for the wedding."
Scarlett: "Yes! Of course! I can't wait for you to get married... but what about us? The apartment? I mean, my older brother can live here with his girlfriend once he gets out of the Marines. Will I ever see you again?"
Alice: "Of course, Scar. I will still be here, even with Jared. We're best friends, plus my name is on the lease as well. -Laughs-"
Scarlett: "So, when's the big day?"
Alice: "Ah, June 25th. Which is.. approximately one week from today. And before you freak, let me remind you we have everything under control. Jared's father is paying for the entire wedding. We also need to get you into a dress and get all that done. I'm thinking.... light pink gowns for the bridesmaids? How does that sound?"
Scarlett: -thinking: I hate pink, but if it'll make her happy...- "Of course light pink will work. Why wouldn't it? -thinks: Maybe due to my piercing ruby locks or my painted face of freckles. No worries though, I just won't be picture perfect by the end of this wedding, which is surely to be a disaster for sure.-
Alice: "Great! We can start planning now. Diets until the wedding! Can you believe that I found a man and that you're still looking for Mr. Right?"
Scarlett: -thinking: Yes! You always have to rub it in my face. Thank you.- "Great, let's start it now by jogging down to the pizza place! -sarcastic look on her face-
Alice: "Okay, but that's the last time we eat pizza before our diet." -Alice grabs her coat, and I get my purse from the hanging coatrack and we begin our descent to the pizza parlor down the street from our apartment-
(PART 2)
Scarlett: -opens up the door to the pizza parlor- "So, our usual half and half? Half pepperoni and half pineapple?"
Alice: "No, I'm thinking we do just pepperoni this time. Better for our diets. -Smirks- Anyways, let's order our pizza."
Scarlett: -already up at the cashier- "Way ahead of you, Alice. Don't worry, I heard what you said. No pineapple, etc."
Alice: "At least you listened to what I had to say."
{Jared enters the parlor}
Alice: "Baby!" -she hugs him- "What are you doing here?"
Jared: "Well, you know.. The usual."
Scarlett: -thinking: He sounded suspicious. I wonder if anything is going on...- "Hi Jared."
Jared: "Hey... Scarlett? I can't remember all of Alice's friend's names, aha. She's your maid of honor?"
Alice: "Of course! We've been through ups and downs in our lives, even when Scarlett's brother was killed in a car accident. I was there for her when her parents weren't. We're inseparable."
Scarlett: "Yes, we are."
Jared: "Then, I guess we'll have to get along for now, won't we?"
Scarlett: "Of course. -smiles-"
{The three of them then take the pizza that was already paid for and began eating away as they continued the previous conversation they had.}
(Sorry for the short part, I'll promise to get more actions in and all that. Enjoy! :])
(PART 3)
{All three of them were sitting down in Alice and Scarlett's apartment.}
Scarlett: "So, how did you meet? You never did tell me, Alice."
Alice: "It is a long story. Tatiana, my sister, actually forced me to go to a wedding, and he was there. At first, we hated each other. Would never speak to one another. Until we bumped into each other at Starbucks - I got my usual caramel frappe and he got his vanilla bean frappe."
Jared: "Yep. That moment I knew I loved her."
Scarlett: "Aww. That's so cute."
Jared: "We have always been talking about starting a family but our jobs, my job involves directing movies and obviously Alice is a bartender, we just don't have the time, nor the money to take care of children."
Scarlett: "That does seem like a struggle. At least you have a date for your wedding picked out."
Alice: "True, hah. I feel tired suddenly.."
{Alice drops the half eaten slice of pizza on the plate. She tries to get up from the booth, only to fall to the ground in struggle}
Suspicious, huh?
(PART 4)
Scarlett: "Alice? Alice?!"
Jared: "Alice, honey, wake up. Please."
{The deafening sounds of an ambulance shrieking gets closer as two paramedics dash to where Alice lies, unconsciously}
Paramedic #1: "What was she doing when she passed out?"
Scarlett: "She was eating this pizza with us. When she stood up, she collapsed. I faintly smell almonds but I'm not sure."
Paramedic #2: "Thank you, please step back. We will get your friend to the hospital immediately."
Scarlett: "Okay."
{Scarlett and Jared stand back as Alice is transported onto the gurney and then taken to the hospital}
Jared: "Oh, my God. We have never had a problem with this parlor before? Could it just be an allergic reaction to something? I know they did try a new sauce."
Scarlett: -thinking: I smell the lingering scent of almonds. Father always did say cyanide had an almond-like scent. Could someone have dropped a cyanide pill into Alice's food? But then - wouldn't we all have gotten sick like that?- "Maybe it wasn't the food..."
Jared: "Then.. what could it have been."
{Scarlett's chestnut orbs wander around the crime scene. Her eyes lock onto the half-drank Starbucks' Caramel Frappuccino.}
Scarlett: "The drink."
Jared: "What?"
Scarlett: "Her Starbucks' Caramel Frappuccino. It has to be the only way she would have collapsed like that. You see, my Father is a judge and both my uncles on my Father's sides are federal agents. They taught me how to detect things like this. I know more than the average person, and the average police officer. Plus, I'm thinking of going into medicine from being a teacher. Excuse me, officer?"
{The officer on the scene approaches Scarlett and Jared}
Officer: "Yes?"
Scarlett: "I think it was the drink that made my friend go unconscious. It has an almond-like smell.. like cyanide."
Officer: "Okay, let's check it out. CSU {Crime Scene Unit}, bag the- which drink was it?"
Scarlett: "The Starbucks' Caramel Frappe."
Officer: -The Caramel Frappuccino from Starbucks."
Scarlett: "Thank you."
Officer: "No problem. Let's get you guys out of here and over to the hospital."
Jared and Scarlett: "Okay."
{The officer escorts Jared and Scarlett to the hospital in the police car}