Miss Clue Fanatic: Season 5, Part 2

Scene: It's night, and someone is visiting the Darcy household

Lucy: -Is watching a movie on the TV- What! How could she choose Tyler over Alex! 

Martha: -Rolls eyes- They're both pathetic characters if you ask me.

Lucy: Shush, trying to listen. Geez.

Martha: -Sighs- Such is life.

(There is a ring on the doorbell.)

Josh: Who could that be at this time? -Puts down the book he was reading-

Jane: Don't worry, I'll get it. -Walks over to door and opens it- Oh, hello Anne!

Anne: Hello Jane. Sorry to come this late, but I must speak to you and Josh.

Jane: Of course, come right in. Martha, Lucy, come say hi to Anne!

Martha: Hi Anne!

Lucy: Too busy right now.

Anne: Hello Martha and Lucy. -She smiles as she enters the house-

Anne: -Whispering to Jane- I don't think Lucy or Martha should hear what I'm about to tell you... It's about the virus.

Jane: Oh, alright. Girls, why don't you two head upstairs before dinner?

Lucy: But what about my movie!

Martha: All you have to do is pause it. -Gets up and goes upstairs-

Lucy: Ugh, fine. -Follows Martha upstairs-

Scene: Anne, Jane, and Josh are seated in the living room

Josh: Well Anne, what did you need to tell us?

Anne: It's Andrew... I think he's become sick with the virus.

Jane: What? How could that be?

Anne: We came home last afternoon from the store, and then suddenly Andrew got a high fever and fainted. Ever since then, he's been feeling very sick and is so weak he hi even get out of bed.

Josh: Have you called the hospital?

Anne: Yes, they said that high fevers and weakness are some of the virus's symptoms.

Jane: Oh my gosh Anne, I'm so sorry! Is there anything we can do?

Anne: I'm afraid not, but please, keep him in your prayers.

Josh: Of course we will.

Scene: Upstairs...

Martha: What do you think they're talking about?

Lucy: -Shrugs- Don't really care.

Martha: I heard Anne say something about the virus. 

Lucy: Everyone is talking about the virus, I'm not surprised.

Martha: Well, yeah, but why would Anne have to talk about it in private?

Lucy: Like I said, don't really care.

Martha: -Crosses arms- You don't care about anything these days.

Lucy: I care about some things.

Martha: No, only about yourself. -Walks away from Lucy-

Stay tuned for Season 5, Part 3!

FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!

Signature By TacoCat


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