Rose's Super Blog - Post 19 - Some News

Okay so I wanted to make my 19th blog post because this was supposed to the be 20th but my 18th post got taken down so were down by one! So I will make this post on some VFK news! I was going to wait until Thursday for Throwback Thursday but then it would be the third Throwback Thursday in a row so I decided not to. This won't be a real life post this time since I seem to do that alot! Here we go:

So this weekend for the third time I forgot to open my fashion show sign ups room AGAIN! I ended up having some stuff come up so I wasn't able to get to it! I might be able to this Saturday but I may be busy! If not Sunday but I realized I'm usually a bit busy on Sunday but I'll try! Summer is almost over and some people are starting to get back in school so I should probably open them soon. Why does Summer have to end soon!? D: I'm actually kind of excited for school but at the same time I'm not. Well anyways onto the next topic!

So it looks like on October 17th it will be the first anniversary of Rose's Super Blog! Which means the first blog post ever posted was on October 17th 2015! Its a bit far away but its also not way too far away! Only 2 months from now! Wow the blog is already almost a year old? Doesn't really feel too long ago since I posted it but also sometimes I feel it was a long time ago. :P If you go to the tag "rosessuperblog" you will find all my blog posts from the first to latest. I actually miss the time the very first blog post was posted. When I posted it lots of interesting things had not happened yet! I'm actually trying to decide right now what to post when the anniversary comes and same for the 20th post which will be the next blog post coming up! Okay here is the last news I'll post!

I think tomorrow I will post the next part of Life of a Middle School Kid! I think the part will be the season finale! Before post 13 came out I had not posted a part for like 2 MONTHS! Thats SO long! I'm so sorry for keeping you guys waiting so long to find out what happens! But I finally brought it back! That was like enough time for a season finale! But since I did that the next season won't take so long to come! I think after the season finale comes tomorrow the next season will come back sometime in September! I hope thats not too long! We are already halfway into August!

Hope you enjoyed this post! Stay tuned for post 20! I'll try to make it special but the first anniversary in October will be even more special! Keep a look out for that on October 17th! 
"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥


  • I love these blogs, and your story!!
    - claps -
    Psst!! Looks like the Wizard School Series (AND Something else really cool!) will be coming out SOON! Keep an eye out!!


    iminute vfk
    thanks for this taco!! :D
  • @iMinute Thanks! I think I will post the season finale today! :D
    "May the stars shine down on you."
    -Rosalina ♥
  • Posting to bring higher! I've got the 20th post planned! Keep a look out for it! :D
    "May the stars shine down on you."
    -Rosalina ♥

  • WOOT WOOT!!! BLOG POST 19!!!!!!!! keep it up @Super_Princess_Rosalina!!
  • Wow, you've come a long way with all of your blog posts!  I can't wait until October 17th!  :D

    Ask before taking.
  • I love all your discussions! we'll have to have a party at your 1 year anniversary of blogging!
    64HBS56TE0AI TY Jessizoid!

  • @Renesmee Thank you! :D
    @SparkleDream Thanks! Watch out for post 20! :D
    @Trinityy I know I've gone so far! I can't believe its almost been a year! I can't wait until October 17th as well! :D
    @iStella Thank you! That would awesome to throw a party! :D
    "May the stars shine down on you."
    -Rosalina ♥
  • We'll all have to mark it on our calendars!
    64HBS56TE0AI TY Jessizoid!

  • cool blog update  :ar!
  • NEATO!!! ALMOST A YEAR?!?!?! WHOAAAA!!!!!!!
    I have 2 cats and 1 fish.  I love sports, my favorite color is yellow
  • edited August 2016
    BTW going over to check life as a middle school kid!!!
    I have 2 cats and 1 fish.  I love sports, my favorite color is yellow
  • edited August 2016
    wow so exciting! i cant imagine doing anything for a whole year, you've done a great job keeping up with all of it!!
    heading over to read Life of a Middle School Kid as well! thanks for mentioning it in the post :)
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