The Guide to VFK! ( would be helpful to guests )

edited August 2016 in General
Hello and welcome to iMinute's guide to Vfk.
So, I'm going to take you through all the basics.

1. The i button.
This shows you the place your in, who owns it and what it is about.
This place is 'CASTLE ENTRANCE' and it is a Public Area, so nobody technically owns
it. For example, your own room/login would say your the owner and would have your 
own description.

2. The House (Places) Button
This is the 'ROOM LIST'. It shows you your own rooms, Joined Rooms, (it is when
someone else gives you permission to put stuff and move stuff in THEIR room, you
need to be member to do this, you can also un-join the room if you want to), Friend Rooms,
these are your friends rooms, Popular rooms, these are the popular rooms on the list,
and Events. For example if one of the VFK staff hosts an event or a VFK player. You can 
tell if there is an event when a notification will pop up or in the event calendar.

3. The Chatbar
This is where you speak to other VFK players. To submit your sentence press the
enter button. Words you CAN'T say will go red, and you won't be able to submit
your sentence.

4. The SHOP
The SHOP is where you buy different items and clothing. So you have to go to the shops
on the different maps otherwise you won't be able to buy anything. Land Office is an
exception because you can buy rooms there. If you do click on it when you aren't in the
certain shop, this will come up: 'You must be in this store to view and purchase the items in this category.'

5. The Hanger (Closet) Button
This is where all your clothes are stored. NOTE: You have to remember to get girls clothes
of everything or boys clothes of everything otherwise you won't be able to wear it if you get
the wrong gender of clothing, it will just be stored in your inventory. You can also search 
for clothing.

iminute vfk
thanks for this taco!! :D


  • edited August 2016

    6. The Sofa (Inventory) Button
    This is your inventory. It shows you how many credits you have, what furniture you have
    (which you can place in your room or sell if you don't need it) NOTE: You can only
    sell certain furniture. I can't place this in a public area, but if I had permission from
    a friend I could place it in one of their rooms. This also shows you your clothing, which 
    you can ALSO sell. NOTE: You can't sell things you got from Gold Stamps (you have to
    be a member to get gold stamps and use them to buy stuff in the store in Retro Age)
    There is a button called Art, which hasn't been improved yet, so just ignore that.
    There is also Pins, which you can get from doing quests and doing games like MissClue.
    There is also FX, which you can get from doing quests to turn into a certain thing
    or you can get magics which let you have cool things like it raining on you, or you can
    get floaties in there which were for member but you CAN trade for them by pressing
    this button on a character trading them. That will be lit up, obviously. Also, you can
    combine magics to make them a certain kind of star. So if you have two of the same
    magics you can combine them to make a 2 star. Using that button.

    7. The Person Running Button
    This is where you can do certain actions. For example, if there was a certain song
    that you liked that came on on VFK Tv you can dance to it, wave at your friend, or hop
    like a bunny!

    8. The Letter (Friends List) Button
    This is your friends list. It shows you the friends you have made, so you can make a friend
    like this. You can go to them, send a message to them, or if they are rude or mean, remove
    them. You can also view your messages here, as well as ones you have sent :-)

    9. The Two Globes (Map) Button
    This is the Map. It leads to different places you can explore and you need to use the map
    to do scavenger hunts or quests. or host hunts. There are 6 different ages you can go
    into, Colonial Age is being built at the moment. Epic Ages hosts different ages too,
    if I show you. There is a lot of ages.. NOTE: you can only go into Faerie age or merfolk
    age if you have fairy or mermaid. Open Road is for if you have a car.

    10. The HELP Button
    This is the HELP Button. It's where you can report people if they are being mean to 
    you, or ask for a pet's title. NOTE: you can only get a pet if you are member. You can
    also change your title here, so if your new, you can change your title from guest28479324732
    to... BunnyEars! Or something like that lol. NOTE: You can't put an exclamation mark or
    any numbers. ONLY LETTERS PLEASE. You can also call for your help fairy here if
    your stuck, or your just plain bored and want to play a game of checkers with her LOL.
    You can also schedule an event here which would be shown on the event calendar.
    NOTE: It costs 10,000 credits so use it wisely please.

    iminute vfk
    thanks for this taco!! :D
  • edited August 2016

    11. The Q (Quests) Button
    This is quests. This are all the current quests that you do. NOTE: you can only do
    quests once except for the epic quests. THAT'S HOW YOU BECOME FAIRY, MERMAID

    12. The MENU Button
    This is the MENU. You can logout here, you can see recent news here (although that
    pops up when you login), you can access your action panel, (MINI MENU), you can play
    solitaire, NOTE: you dont have to play with another player on VFK this is solo, you can 
    train for crafting using this menu, and you buy the training books in merlin's, Construction
    Cams are for the new zoo coming out in Summer 2016, you can access the outside
    of it in Australia, You can play a cool game Miss Clue, and the halloween version of it
    the secret of the haunted garden, you can also play Captain Warlock, a space game based
    off of Miss Clue. You can play Sharks. v. Zombies which is a cool game, You can play
    Omg trivia NOTE: you have to play it with other people on VFK as well, not many 
    people play it anymore. You can access the Easter Calendar here, this will change 
    to christmas calendar when it's christmas, The event calendar is here you see, and
    that shows you the different events and things that are going on in VFK. You can also
    play the daily Crossword, Sudoku and Wordsearch puzzle, there is a leaderboard for this.
    If you want to zoom in, use the fullscreen version of vfk, this is a new thing that has
    been added. Last but not least, options where you can just change random things like
    the colour of your toolbar.

    And that's it!
    So thank you for watching and reading!
    NOTE: Sorry it's so long, I also made a video too! :D

    iminute vfk
    thanks for this taco!! :D
  • :O Brilliant, SO HELPFUL! Can you make a link to the video :D

  • Awesome! This is a amazing and helpful guide for guests! :D
    "May the stars shine down on you."
    -Rosalina ♥
  • This is great
  • Great post! :D
    I joined VFK on September 22nd 2013 <3 
  • This is perfect for guests Minute! Good job! ^_^ (By the way, the Zoo has opened, so they can actually go inside now. :) )

    FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!

    Signature By TacoCat

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