The adventures of Ryan bass - Chapter 16


"Omg quin roseboom!" ryan weatherbee said as he realized the giant tennis ball that trampled him & took him to helsinki was quin roseboom the giant tennis ball.
"ryan! did you find your bass guitar? what happened to your face?" quin roseboom the giant tennis ball asked ryan weatherbee.
"no i havent found it & this werewolf named patti mayonnaise ate my face" ryan weatherbee said to quin roseboom the giant tennis ball. Ryan weatherbee then started crying.
"dont cry ryan we'll find your bass guitar" quin roseboom the giant tennis ball said to ryan weatherbee. Ryan weatherbee looked at quin roseboom the giant tennis ball with tears in his eyes.
"its no use im hopeless i might as well die" ryan weatherbee said to quin roseboom the giant tennis ball. Quin roseboom the giant tennis ball then slapped ryan weatherbee with a pizza.
"we will find it" Quin roseboom the giant tennis ball said to ryan weatherbee. Ryan weatherbee then got off the helsinki ground & looked around and saw that everyone in helskinki was a nun. Ryan weatherbee went up to a helsinkian nun and tapped on her shoulder.
"Hi im ryan weatherbee have you seen my bass guitar" ryan weatherbee asked the helsinkian nun. The helsinkian nun turned around quickly & ryan weatherbee was so shocked to see it was a man with a large mole on his right cheek.
"Hi im vinny del cottage cheese have you found your path to the pony yet?" Vinny del cottage cheese the helsinkian nun asked ryan weatherbee.
"no im looking for my bass guitar" ryan weatherbee said to vinny del cottage cheese the helsinkian nun.
"come" Vinny del cottage cheese the helsinkian nun said to ryan weatherbee, gesturing him to come with him. Ryan weatherbee and quin roseboom the giant tennis ball followed vinny del cottage cheese the helsinkian nun to a nearby cathedral painted completely pink. Inside was a large my little pony statue with a bass guitar attached to its nose. Ryan weatherbee was so astonished to see that it was HIS beloved bass guitar.
"Is this the bass guitar in with which you speak of" vinny del cottage cheese the helsinkian nun asked ryan weatherbee.
"yes it is please give it to me" ryan weatherbee said to vinny del cottage cheese the helsinkian nun.
"no it is our sacrifice to the pony stand back" vinny del cottage cheese the helsinkian nun said to ryan weatherbee as he lit a match & set the my little pony statue on fire as a group of other nuns chanted "jar of hearts" by christina perri in a circle around the statue while eating ramen noodles.
"no my beloved bass guitar!" ryan weatherbee screamed.
"it is the sacrifice!" vinny del cottage cheese the helsinkian nun shouted. Ryan weatherbee then charged through the group of chanting helsinkian nuns & grabbed his beloved bass guitar off the my little pony statue & he immediately burst into flames along with the statue.
"ryan" quin roseboom the giant tennis ball screamed. Quin roseboom the giant tennis ball then rolled over all of the helsinkian nuns and peed on the fire and put it out instantly. Quin roseboom the giant tennis ball went over to a burned ryan weatherbee and saw that he now had no skin at all. Suddenly the cathedral started shaking and the floor broke in half and then quin roseboom the giant tennis ball & an unconscious ryan weatherbee were plumiting through a pit of darkness. When they landed, quin roseboom the giant tennis ball looked around and saw a familiar sight.

Find out where ryan weatherbee & quin roseboom the giant tennis ball ended up in the next chapter of the adventures of ryan bass.


  • Wow this is great stuff!  Thanks for posting @miloZen!

    Ask before taking.
  • LOL this part was really funny!! I wasn't expecting the pizza! 
    "Quin roseboom the giant tennis ball then slapped ryan weatherbee with a pizza."
    I have 2 cats and 1 fish.  I love sports, my favorite color is yellow
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