I often worry about things I shouldn't. I'm just a teenager. I should be worrying about hanging out with my friends, going to concerts, chilling out at parties, worrying about "Likes" on Facebook or "Likes" on Instagram, but no. I worry about things I shouldn't like political problems, what college I want to go to even though I know its unlikely to get in. I worry about the government, ISIS, the wars, the day the world ends. I'm just a kid, I shouldn't be worrying about it but I do.
I don't like what the world's become. I faintly remember when the world was better than it is now, around the time I was three. Of course, when you're three everything is okay but it actually was. Mass shootings weren't heard of very often, the war's only involved a few countries but now, I feel like World War Three is rising. The school systems were fine, programs weren't being shut down, the gangs weren't as bad, people were still being created equal and nobody was blaming others for being racists. But now, it's the opposite of what Martin Luther King wanted, I think. African-Americans (not all of them but most) believe they're better than everyone else, that they're entitled to special privileges, that they don't have to get a job that they can just be on wellfare and foodstamps.
I know that this isn't everyone, but that's what some believe. A cop can't shoot an African American even if they're doing something wrong because they'll get in trouble. This goes for Caucasians because they're racist. But if a black cop shoots a white cop,
whether they're wrong or not, is perfectly okay. Also, the other countries are falling apart, even mine, America.
Mexico, America, England, France, countries in Africa, countries in The Middle East, they're breaking. ISIS is rising from The Middle
Eastern countries and kids here in America treat it like it's a joke. It's not. Christians are being beheaded just for their religion, we're losing our freedom, our liberty, our peace. ISIS members are already in America, attacking military bases and schools. But nobody thinks anything of it. My dad, being a retired military man, says that something needs to be done, and something does.
Our current president just messes everything up and he has Muslim family, yeah. Some people are convinced that he's letting them take over our country while very few still believe he's innocent. Even the people who voted for him don't like him because he made
promising and did the opposite.
In Africa, Ebola is spreading to everyone and to other countries. It almost spread into America but luckily we stopped it after discovering a cure. But what about all of this Cancer? Diabetes? MS? Where's the cure for those?
You know how Area 51 supposedly exists, right? I believe so because in a desert in Nevada or Arizona (one of those places) there's
random signs in the middle of nowhere warning you to go back. If it exists like its supposed to, I think they're hiding important things there. I believe that's where they're hiding deadly viruses and diseases, our cures for those terrible illnesses, and deadly weapons.
Everything used to think that American was supposed to be the perfect country full of freedom, liberty, and peace but it isn't. No
country is anymore. People everywhere are addicted to electronics, social media, and their phones. They're overweight, being born with
mental illnesses that are most likely caused by the chemicals in our food, dying of simple things like breathing.
Normally I don't write stuff this deep but it's getting to me. If you're a Christian you'll understand what I meant about the world ending.
The proof is right there towards the end of the bible.
Another note, people get offended too easily. The act like everyone and everything is out to get them. They're paranoid too.
Fearing over things that shouldn't be happening, like cold-blooded murders. Did you know, if you walk on gang territory, you're dead. Or
if a gang member sees you wearing the wrong shoes, you're dead. They're dangerous, especially MS13, the biggest gang in the world I
What about the mob and mafias? They're not dangerous like the gangs are but they are still dangerous. If you cross paths with the wrong person, screw them over, they will kill you. They're normally people who are usually wealthy and nice, unless like I said, screw them over.
Like I stated at the beginning of the rant, I shouldn't be worrying but I am. I should be living the life a kid or a teen would, not the life of an adult but the world is just so screwed up now that it's kind of hard to ignore it.
"I'm not great with advice, may I offer a sarcastic comment instead?"
I know what you mean, but I think that is because the issues have become so bad that even as kids, we can't ignore them anymore and be happy. Because they invade even your house. The good news is, it seems like everyone recognizes the problem now, and if you don't know there's a problem you can't fix it, right? So anyway it seems like the world is choosing to do the right thing instead of the wrong now!
So good luck to us Christians!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/ Beagie \/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(Yeah that's life)
and here is a hope picture for everyone!
"people were still being created equal" First thing's first, when were people "still being created equal?" Women are STILL not equal to men, people of color are STILL not equal to whites, the LGBT community is STILL not equal to the heterosexual community, etc. Nobody's been "equal" for a VERY LONG time. BUT things are becoming BETTER right now with the progress that we have made, ESPECIALLY with the assistance of our current president. If anything, people are more "equal" now than when MLK was alive.
"nobody was blaming others for being racists." Racism is currently highly active in our country. People proudly wave confederate flags. Businesses profit off confederate flag merchandise. Confederate flags promote racism. White people are casted to play characters in films that are historically not white (whitewashing). White people on television shows outnumber people of color tremendously. The list goes on. It is perfectly appropriate to call out racism in this current society.
"African-Americans (not all of them but most) believe they're better than everyone else, that they're entitled to special privileges, that they don't have to get a job that they can just be on wellfare and foodstamps." This is BEYOND offensive and an incredibly problematic view. First of all, you are lumping together an entire race and stereotyping them. Of course, black people who think they're entitled to special privileges since they're an oppressed group exist. BUT it's incredibly problematic to say that the majority of an entire race shares that same belief. Assuming you're white, look at your own race. White people who think they're entitled to special privileges specifically because they're white exist. Does that mean "white people (not all but most) believe they're better than everyone else & that they're entitled to special privileges?" Do you think that's true? Would it bother you if someone said that about your race?
"Our current president just messes everything up and he has Muslim family, yeah." This entire statement is incorrect. First of all, the president is NOT the sole decision maker in this government. He only has so much power. If progress isn't made, it's not because the president isn't doing anything, it's because there's a huge department of other people with opposing views who either won't let progress happen or just flat out get in the way of it happening. Progress takes TIME.
Also Obama does not have a Muslim family. And even if he did, there'd be nothing wrong with that. Your statement implies that the Islam religion is something bad, something to fear. THE ISLAM RELIGION ITSELF IS NOT TARGETING OUR COUNTRY!!! Radical Islamic Extremists are targeting our country. Blaming an entire religion for what a group of radical extremists who practice that religion do is not right under any circumstances. Radical Christian Terrorism exists. Should all non-Christians blame YOUR entire religion for what a group of radical extremists do? How is that fair?
"Even the people who voted for him don't like him because he made promising and did the opposite." I come from a family who voted for him who are perfectly content with his presidency and the actions he has taken as president. No regrets voting for him whatsoever. Again, you are lumping people together.
"Another note, people get offended too easily. The act like everyone and everything is out to get them." When you make comments that disrespect a religion, race, gender, or sexuality, (which you did) I have the right to be offended and stand up for my beliefs.
It looks as though I'm all alone in disagreement on here, which, to me, is a little scary. I'm not in middle school, which I think you are, frogie, from what I've read in your journals. I will tell you that I had such an obstructed view of what occured in the world in middle school, and a very ONE-SIDED view at that, since I attended Catholic grammar and middle school. Unbiased education outside of school is key to form solid beliefs about the issues you mentioned.
I'm hoping that you and those who agree with some of your offensive statements don't look at this as me bashing you because I think you're wrong, but as a push to actually look at the world in a way that's more understanding and inclusive.
so many questions and NO DONUTS
so many questions and NO DONUTS