Miss Clue Fanatic: Season 4, Part 4
Scene: The children at still at the Haunted House after the incident
Martha: Are you sure you don't want to go home Lucy?
Lucy: Actually, I've changed my mind... That was pretty scary.
John: Ha, you can say that again!
Martha: -Nods- I'll call Dad and tell him to pick us up early.
Alice: It's pretty weird how the phones worked right when Lucy felt normal.
Lucy: Yeah... The same thing happened the first time.
John: Do you think there could be a connection?
Martha: I don't think so, it was probably just at the same moment somehow. -Dials Dad- Hey Dad, we need you to pick us up early. It happened with Lucy again. Okay, okay, bye. -Hangs up-
Lucy: What did he say?
Martha: He said that he's on his way.
Alice: I hope Andrew still has my back at home...
Martha: Sorry Alice, but I wouldn't rely on him.
Alice: Oh great.
Scene: Back at Anne's house...
Jane: Andrew, I don't think Alice would be in her room all of this time. -Looks at clock-
Andrew: She and John talk A LOT on the phone.
Jane: I'm going to go check on her real quick.
Andrew: No, don't!
Jane: Well, why not?
Andrew: Um, she gets really angry when she's interrupted on the phone.
Jane: I'm just going to check, I won't say anything.
Andrew: Believe me, Mom and Dad have tried, but she just explodes!
Jane: I have to see if she's okay, it's been an hour and dinner is almost ready.
Andrew: -Gets up and quickly runs to Alice's room-
Jane: -Goes to her room and knocks on door- Alice, are you in there?
Andrew: -Talking in a high pitched girly voice- Yes cousin Jane, I'm here!
Jane: Are you alright? Your voice sounds funny.
Andrew: I'm okay! Just joking around with John on the phone!
Jane: Hmm. Well, dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes.
Andrew: Yum, I'll be down when it's done!
(Once Jane leaves, Andrew calls Alice.)
Andrew: Alice! Hurry home!
Scene: The next day, Lucy is at the Doctor's being checked out
Doctor: This is very strange... I've never seen anything like it before.
Josh: Does that mean it's serious?
Doctor: No, it's not serious, but you should keep an eye on this situation.
Jane: May we ask why it is strange?
Doctor: Well, usually you see odd things like these in paranormal books or movies. But never in real life.
Martha: Isn't that impossible? Ghosts don't exist.
Doctor: No, it is not possible. We'll just have to look more into this and find out what she's going through.
Josh: Nothing to worry about, right?
Doctor: Nope. But like I said, keep a good watch on it and let her rest.
Lucy: -Thinks- Paranormal...?
Stay tuned for Season 4, Part 5!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
I hope everyone gets a chance to see it!!
XD Andrew would love to hear that! @iStella
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
Thanks guys! Very suspenseful indeed!!
@SkyLamb Oh that art brought happy tears! Thank you!!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!