Formula for danger help and discussions
:-@ haha that's me!
- How often do you play laser tag
- often58.33%
- not often41.67%
- What do you think about Miss Clue
- Eh  0.00%
- Awesome91.67%
- Nah  0.00%
- Its ok...  8.33%
- How many friends do you have on vfk
- 100+75.00%
- 100 -25.00%
- Am I
- annoying  8.33%
- Unique50.00%
- Ugly  8.33%
- Ok33.33%
- What do you think of the poll
- What's this got to do with miss clue25.00%
- It's ok but questions could be better25.00%
- EPIC50.00%
"I'm not great with advice, may I offer a sarcastic comment instead?"
Thanks for welcoming @SkyLamb!
Oh and @showjumpingbird to patch the boat you need a hammer and cork, the cork is in the kitchen by the scale in a drawer, and the hammer is in the boat shack!
Good luck!
:o3 grr brothers -_- he posted this lol