Where everyone dresses in black and white! and they have a room with tons of pandas in it and then they can become the panda exchange! where people can come and ask for an items and you put all your "pandas" on looking for the items and then if they find it they trade it to them for lots of RARE! oh yeah! best idea (just saying)
Oh I definitely think if you want to start a help group you should! People are always needing help on VFK and since you're so well know I'm sure everyone would love your advise!
OMG you could start the @Renesmee advise Agency where you give people advise to problems!
umm im not a major sports fan. Any other ideas
"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥
I was thinking like a help vfk group
I decided to make help VFK group. More details will come out soon.:))