Miss Clue Fanatic: Season 2, Part 12/The Movie
SURPRISE! Part 12 of Season 2 is also the MISS CLUE FANATIC MOVIE!
Scene: The group is planning a rescue plan for Anne and John
Martha: Well, we can't leave without Anne or John.
Lucy: Of course we can't!
Andrew: But how will we find them?
Alice/Kristi: Don't worry, we know where they are.
Andrew: Really? You do?
Martha: -Nods- We should probably go there now before the guards come back here.
Lucy: There's only one problem...
Alice/Kristi: Great, another problem.
Andrew: Oh please. I've had much more problems in my life. Why are you even complaining?
Alice/Kristi: No need to be negative!
Andrew: -Rolls eyes- Do you have a dad?
Alice/Kristi: Of course I do.
Andrew: My dad is a maniac. Do you have a mom?
Alice/Kristi: I thought that I didn't have one before, but I know that I do now.
Andrew: I'm hoping that my mom is still alive. Compared to my life, your life sounds like paraside.
Alice/Kristi: Listen you!---
Martha: Guys, guys. Not to sound rude, but we need to focus on the current issues instead of arguing.
Lucy: -Nods- I agree with Martha. We need to find Anne and John, and fast too.
Andrew: Oh, so you're saying that my problems aren't that important to be discussed?
Martha: No, I'm not. But you're complaining about your family when we're trying to find your mother!
Andrew: So now I'm whiny??
Martha: -Eyes twitch- You always complain! About every little thing!
Andrew: I do not! I'm insulted!
Lucy: -Sighs and looks at Alice- Are we ever going to get out of here?
Alice/Kristi: I hope so Lucy.
Martha: You're always "insulted" too. -Crosses arms-
Andrew: You know what, fine! I'll look for my mom myself! And since I "complain about my family all the time", I won't even look for John!
Lucy: Andrew! We have to do this together! We're also your family!
Martha: Lucy's right. You can't leave.
Andrew: I can make my own choices.
Alice/Kristi: Well then, what's your choice?
Andrew: -Mumbles- Fine, I'll stay.
Scene two: At the secret passage
John: -Is singing while crying a little- I'm all alone... All alone!! ALL ALONE!!!
Anne: John, John, you've been singing that only line for almost half an hour.
John: But it's true... I'm all alone!!!
Anne: Well, what about me? I'm trapped here too.
John: -Sigh- It isn't the same.
Anne: I noticed that you're crying. Cheer up, we'll find some way to get out of here.
John: But how will we?
Anne: I don't know, but I'll figure out something.
John: Wait a minute! I got it!
Anne: What is it John?
John: -Pulls out bobby pin- No Detective Club member has no bobby pin on them!
Anne: -Eyes widen- A bobby pin! Can you pick the lock with it?
John: I think so... Let me see. -He puts the pin into the lock and wiggles it around. It unlocks-
John: We're free! We're free!
Anne: Not to loud, but yes, we're finally free! Now let's find the others!
(They start running forward until they bump into the kids)
Andrew: Mom!
Anne: Andrew! -Hugs- Thank goodness you're alright!
Andrew: Same for you Mom!
Alice/Kristi: Ahem...
Anne: Kristi! You're okay too! -Hugs-
(Martha & Lucy join in on the hug, and John randomly joins in too)
John: Random group hug!
Alice/Kristi: Oh my gosh! Fowzy!
John: Trinityy!
Andrew: Wait a minute... Her name is Kristi?
Anne: -Smiles- There's something I need to tell you Andrew. Alice here, is Kristi, your long lost sister.
Andrew: -Eyes widen- She's still alive?
Alice/Kristi: Thank goodness I am...
Lucy: -Chuckles-
Andrew: Um, sorry for saying those things. I guess we sort of share a life.
Alice/Kristi: Apology accepted. -Hugs-
Andrew: Oh, um, okay, we're hugging.
Martha: -Cough- Awkward. -Cough-
Anne: We really need to leave this place kids.
Martha: I couldn't agree more Anne. Let's get out of here!
Scene three: They're finally outside of the lab and are heading towards
Martha: I can't believe we're finally getting out of here!
Alice/Kristi: I know! It feels like it's been forever!
John: I'm so excited to see my hat collection again!
Lucy: I'm happy too, but we couldn't get our necklaces...
Martha: We'll call the police and they'll handle it. We'll have those necklaces back in no time!
Lucy: Are you sure..?
Martha: Positive!
Anne: I really do hope that the police will get them, I don't want Harry Pierce anywhere near that formula.
Andrew: Me neither.
(They reach the door, but it's locked)
Andrew: Huh? It's locked.
John: This can't be good...
Harry Pierce: (From the outside) Thought that you were going to escape?
Julia: -Chuckles- How cute!
Andrew: Julia! You're in on this?
Julia: Of course, why wouldn't I side with my own father?
Andrew: I can't believe you!
Julia: Believe it.
Martha: You disgust me!
Harry Pierce: No need to gang up on my daughter.
Julia: Thanks dad. -Crosses arms-
Anne: You better unlock this door Pierce!
Harry Pierce: Ha, or what?
Anne: You don't want to know.
Harry Pierce: You lost, I won. -Shows them their necklaces-
Lucy: Oh no! Our necklaces!
Julia: They're not your necklaces anymore, they're ours!
Harry Pierce: Correct Julia.
(Police show up.)
Officer: I don't think so Pierce. -Puts on hand cuffs-
Harry Pierce: What? You can't prove anything!
Officer: Of course we can. -They say, guiding him to the police car-
Harry Pierce: You may have caught me, but they shall never escape! RICHARD! Set the bomb!
Martha: THE BOMB?
Alice/Kristi: Mom! What's going on??
Anne: I don't know!
(Richard shows up behind them with a bomb in hand. He sets the time.)
Anne: Noah! What are you doing?
Richard: I'm doing what I'm told to do.
Lucy: We have to get out of here!
Richard: There is no escape.
John: -Runs into the living room-
Alice/Kristi: John! Wait up!
(The rest of them follow John.)
John: -Saying quietly- When I came in here to protect Alice from that dog, I found a door that lead to the basement!
Martha: We can escape through the basement exit!
John: Exactly! Come on, let's go!
(They quickly go through the door... But Richard grabs Andrew without them knowing. Richard shuts the door.)
Andrew: Dad! Let me go! Please!
Richard: I must do what Mr. Pierce says.
Andrew: But I'm your son! Don't you know that?
Richard: I have no son, just one daughter, Alice. I let her escape.
Andrew: Dad! I know you're in there somewhere!
Richard: For the last time, I am not your father.
Andrew: I can't believe this is happening... Don't you know that this explosion will hurt you too??
Richard: Of course I do. But I cannot disobey Mr. Pierce.
Andrew: Yes you can! He doesn't control you!
Richard: Silence!
Scene four: The group is outside of the house
John: Freedom! Sweet, sweet freedom!
Alice/Kristi: Living another day!
Martha: Woohoo! It's all over!
Lucy: Um, where's Andrew..?
Anne: Oh my gosh! He was right behind us! I have to go back in!
John: But what about the bomb?
Anne: He's my son, I must protect him!
Alice/Kristi: I'll go with you!
Anne: No Kristi, you must stay here.
(Before Anne can go back inside... The house explodes.)
Anne: ANDREW! No!
(....End Credits....)
Stay tuned for Season 2, Part 13
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
To everyone who really wants to know if they're alive or not:
Part 13 will be soon! Hang in there!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
The next part will be soon Jungle! But not gonna say when! It'll be a surprise :)
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!