Peril in Pemberly RATINGS and REVIEWS!!!
What did you all think of Peril in Pemberly?? Personally, I LOVED it! I thought the story was intriguing and the graphics were absolutely stunning! I think it's definitely going to be a Miss Clue classic! THANK YOU FOR THIS LOVELY GAME!!!
Post your thoughts or reviews on the game here!! I LOVE READING THEM!!
Rate Peril in Pemberly
- On a scale from 1-10 how good was PERIL IN PEMBERLY?!?!
- 1  0.00%
- 2  0.00%
- 3  0.00%
- 4  0.00%
- 5  3.33%
- 6  3.33%
- 7  0.00%
- 8  0.00%
- 9  3.33%
- 1090.00%
so many questions and NO DONUTS
Also, I think this was fixed in the most recent game, if I'm remembering right, but navigation was a bit inconsistent in PIP while playing, which became frustrating. Sometimes clicking the red magnifying glass would be to select and object or get off the horse, and sometimes it'd be to move forward. Seems like arrows and the glass should be consistently designated for one or the other to make game play as easy as possible while moving around. All in all, an ok game, but hoping for future ones to be a bit more grabbing with more content to keep us busy while playing! :)