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- Adventure_Rabbit
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I dare say, you seem to have lost the page!! That is a funny message but I did not know about this wallpaper in the first place and tried to get it, bring it back XD
I wish I could help... but somehow you've made me just discover that I'm in the exact same situation as you. I don't understand how this could have happened... I am truly baffled.
Dang, I had no idea this was a thing. XD
@Fonna I sent it!
I can't provide one until I Harvest a week from Sunday(calculated next harvest time) but I'm happy to send you one free of charge if you're willing to wait till then. Lmk. EDIT: Had to fix which Sunday
So pretty!! You went all-out with the Disney XMAS haha
Sure if that works for you.
@Brain_Freeze I'm online now in my room "Definitely Not A Colonial Living Room" on the popular rooms list. I'll edit when my circumstances change if I don't find you. If you're not online, let me know when/where I will be able to find you. EDIT: I'v…
EDITED: Could I have the Eleventh, Fourteenth and Fifteenth anniversary outfits for 180K? I'd prefer Girls versions.
Agreed with how nice it is that Waylee's exit works now! EVERY public room needs working exits! Staff, get on adding one to Alien Shop!
I've got just one Magenta, I was hoping I could find someone with Indigo I could exchange with
Final Bundle was all this and the final star of Enchantment! I adore this bed.
As Pinocchio is just about my favorite thing ever, I'm obligated to bring in my suggestions for costumes. xDI think they'd make great respective Girls, Both, and Boys costumes for Blue Fairy, Pinocchio, and Jiminy (Maybe if VFK would like a more '…
Lots of shared elements with Disneyland, lol. Pinocchio
I AM HERE WITH THE REST OF MY CURRENT WORD SUGGESTIONS. >:U [spoiler]Hitchhike/Hitchhiking/HitchhikerJustified/Justifying/JustifiesLookie/LookyMadder/MaddestMandarinMobNaysay/Naysayer/NaysayingParagraphPsst/PssstRightoRoot/Rooted/Rooting/RootsSky…
That is such a great design you've made! I love the way it looks! Did you make the pattern pieces yourself? And if so, what did you make the pattern pieces out of?! I love sewing, it's so much fun!! This is a great topic you've started, I'll de…
@showjumpingbird Yes I have! It's really soft and comfortable, I'd love to find a good time to wear it out.
We just got a new kitten today named Gyro, he's an attention-lover so far xD
@TacoCat HOST_Firefly reference from recent news post :o
@TacoCat Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that is very adorable xD Thank youuu :D
@TacoCat Very cute drawings! :P