This is a hint that probably nobody saw! You know the kitchen where you made donuts in Chapter 1? That's where a hint that I discovered made my life so much easier!
Well, you go down that hallway, and then you keep going until you see a door right in front of you.
Then, just keep going UNTIL you see a brown-ish door in front of you. Click on that door, and you'll be inside the kitchen! It works both ways. :)
This is the door. Click on it. It'll open right up for you. Walk in, and that's the secret to that door! Quick way to get in/out of the Kitchen and Living Room! :)
I'm still trying to click on the portrait to get the key with no luck at all. Any idea why it won't open for me? I've swept the porch, delivered the newspapers, fed the guy his doughnut . . . am I missing anything else?
So, thought I'd switch gears and work on the puzzle at the end of the bed. No luck there either even after looking through all the helpful hints here an at the fan forum.
Hey! Yeah, you're on the right track. Once you've finished the puzzle at the end of the bed, it'll open a secret compartment in the bedpost which will lead you to the picture in the end.
You're doing great - and for the end of the bed puzzle, that one really confused me too. Click the buttons on the top row until you come across one that's all lower cased in the black box, with "click"
When you find a "click" (not Click), press the first left button on the bottom row, and repeat the method.
This is a hint that probably nobody saw! You know the kitchen where you made donuts in Chapter 1? That's where a hint that I discovered made my life so much easier!
Well, you go down that hallway, and then you keep going until you see a door right in front of you.
Then, just keep going UNTIL you see a brown-ish door in front of you. Click on that door, and you'll be inside the kitchen! It works both ways. :)
This is the door. Click on it. It'll open right up for you. Walk in, and that's the secret to that door! Quick way to get in/out of the Kitchen and Living Room! :)
So, thought I'd switch gears and work on the puzzle at the end of the bed. No luck there either even after looking through all the helpful hints here an at the fan forum.
Thanks for helping out!
"So plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers"
"So plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers"
I hope you have it figured out now, @TheAwesomePie !
"So plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers"
It took me a while too @theawesomepie. It's okay.
You'll get the hang of it. :)
"So plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers"
I love that cake. It looks so tasty... >:)