[IDEA] Clover Beanbag Chair

I finally found a photo of the item I told @VFK_Mintie I wanted to suggest. This was a very rare item in the game I loved when I was a kid (millsberry). The Clover Beanbag!!!
I would love to see this as a VERY RARE item released for St Patricks day. Either as a very rare host room item, a very limited collectible release, or a host hunt item. I love how chunky and cartoony it looks, I would love if a VFK DEV could model it exactly how it looked in millsberry. The chunky, colorful, and cartoony appeal of the item is so nice!!! It would be lovely if it had nice shades of vibrant green similar to how nice the koala hat has such a nice array of shades of blue on that item.
I know St PATRICKS is in less than 2 weeks, but hopefully it is not too late to suggest this : )
