Tickets in the Zoo

Am I the only one who gets annoyed when buying tickets to get into the bat house/butterfly house/etc.? Paying for the ticket doesn't bother me, it's pocket change -- but it makes you load into the room, then kicks you back out, then buy the ticket, and then it loads you back in again... Wouldn't it just be easier to have you buy it at the entrance before loading you in, then take you into the room? Just a time-saver and one of those little petty things xD
IMG_1105 Black Parade Skull Art


  • yes I agree!! it always drives me crazy loading the room twice
  • I totally agree with you Raven!
  • edited October 2020
    Sensible idea and logical.  We shouldn't be charged to get into the room, bounced back to where we came from, have to pay to get into the room, THEN have to go back to the room again to get in (especially if we're following someone). 


    You'd be surprised what you can do with the short end of the stick
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