Finals- Blog

So as most of you probably have, I went back to school this past week and I received my grades for the finals that I took right before break began. Now, I wish I could tell you I aced all of them but I actually did fail one. Yes, I failed my math exam and passed the class with a D+ (one point away from a c, actually). I only received 48 points out of a hundred and I'm pretty sure he only gave me half of those forty because I put effort into it and showed work. So it probably would have been a lot of work however-

My exam I had for 8th hour was really easy. Believe me when I say this. Everyone told me "Oh you're going to fail because you got it done so fast" as I finished in less than 15 minutes. Yes, fifteen minutes out of the hour we were given. And guess what I got? An A+. Yep, I totally aced that one as it was for my FCAS (Family and Consumer Science) class which is basically home-ec. And my English exam I passed with a B+ (because I skipped an entire 12 point section as I had no idea where to even begin) and for my Art I was also given an A+ with a score of 198/200 for our project we had finished up. As for Bio, I had a D+ on the exam much like everyone else in the class but I passed the class with a B- which is actually really good for Bio as I always zone out during the class because it's kind of boring. We only talked about cells and evolution, mainly. But for my geography class and P.E (yes we have to take an exam on sports) I haven't yet received my grade which I am eagerly waiting for as I feel I did really well in Geography.

Those who had to take Exams, I hope you did better than I did on some. Thanks for taking the time to read this, bye!
"I'm not great with advice, may I offer a sarcastic comment instead?"
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