RYAN BASS: the next generation - Chapter 13


Ryan weatherbee looked around & realized he was in shanghai china in the middle of the street & a car was coming at him but then helen hunt opened her legs & farted bird seeds at the car then the car exploded so then they had a 6 second rave in the middle of the street then they got out of the street & helen hunt ate a mailbox.
"im pretty sure we're in shanghai china" ryan weatherbee said then a random chinese girl with huge glasses came up to them & collapsed on the ground still conscious.
"hi im mary lets be friends" mary the random chinese girl said then quin roseboom the giant tennis ball physically picked mary the random chinese girl up off the side of the road & they began walking down the streets of shanghai while helen hunt picked the oozing bleeding flesh of her bleeding head off & ate it.
"mary this is my child helen hunt" ryan weatherbee said to mary the random chinese girl.
"hi helen hunt im mary" mary the random chinese girl said to helen hunt then helen hunt beat mary up & killed her & then threw her dead body in a tree & then ryan weatherbee & quin roseboom the giant tennis ball & helen hunt continued walking down the streets of shanghai then all of a sudden a random shanghai citizen grabbed quin roseboom the giant tennis ball & then every single person in shanghai china gasped in unison & 800 police men came rushing through the streets of shanghai & tackled the random shanghai citizen who grabbed quin roseboom the giant tennis ball then ryan weatherbee & quin roseboom the giant tennis ball & helen hunt stole a car & drove away.
"i cant believe some random shanghai citizen grabbed you quin roseboom" ryan weatherbee said to quin roseboom the giant tennis ball.
"ik it was really scary" quin roseboom the giant tennis ball said then all of a sudden the car that ryan weatherbee & quin roseboom the giant tennis ball & helen hunt stole started ascending into the sky.
"why are we ascending into the sky" quin roseboom the giant tennis ball said.
"im the virgin mary" helen hunt said then she had a baby in the stolen car so ryan weatherbee & quin roseboom got out of the car & realized they were on a cloud. All of a sudden a figure with extensive bright light protruding from him began to walk towards ryan weatherbee & quin roseboom the giant tennis ball.
"whos there" ryan weatherbee called out.
"it is me...jesus" the figure said. Then ryan weatherbee gasped & passed out 28 times.

Find out what happens next in the next chapter of RYAN BASS: the next generation.
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