"Okay...i'll do it. i'll give you my epiglottis." Ryan weatherbee said to jodie foster. Jodie foster smiled satisfactorily.
"Perfect. im so glad youre helping me, ryan. you wont regret this." jodie foster said to ryan weatherbee. Then jodie foster screamed "SURGERY!!!!!" & then two alien doctors rushed into the galactic burger king & took ryan weatherbee into a bathroom & locked all three of them inside a bathroom stall & forcifully ripped out ryan weatherbee's epiglottis & replaced it with a parasitic fish. Once the procedure was over the doctor aliens brough ryan weatherbee back into the galactic burger king to jodie foster and gave her the epiglottis. Jodie foster then did a split & screamed "HUMAN FLESH" and rolled around the galactic burger king floor for 7 minutes straight while screeching at the top of her lungs. Then jodie foster got up & gave the epiglottis to the galactic burger king chef and then came back to ryan weatherbee.
"Thank you so much for your epiglottis ryan. don't worry, we know your epiglottis is a vital organ so we replaced it with a parasitic fish so you will live." jodie foster said to ryan weatherbee.
"ok wheres quin roseboom" ryan weatherbee asked jodie foster.
"come" jodie foster said to ryan weatherbee then she led him back into the mothership control center & pulled out a file labled "file" out of her filing cabinet that was labled "filing cabinet." Jodie foster opened the file labled "file" & gave it to ryan weatherbee.
"This is the man your tennis ball friend is with." jodie foster said to ryan weatherbee. Ryan weatherbee took the file & looked at the picture of what looked like a giant tree branch with glasses.
"who is this?" ryan weatherbee asked jodie foster.
"his name is, actually, ryan...but not ryan weatherbee. his name is ryan treeves. he is a tree branch from dimension 7.650. HE is who has your friend" jodie foster said to ryan weatherbee.
" does he look like me...if he's a tree branch?" ryan weatherbee asked jodie foster.
"supposedly his kind can morph into other objects & people. so it looks as if this ryan treeves has morphed into a carbon copy of you...& is impersonating you, which is why it seems as if your tennis ball friend thinks he's not in any danger. but he in fact is." jodie foster said to ryan weatherbee.
"this ryan treeves...he's dangerous?" ryan weatherbee asked jodie foster.
"yes...very dangerous. but not dangerous in the way you may be thinking. from what our intelligence agency found out, he had persued 3 other companions beforehand, each as different identities, and all 3 companions ended up suffocating from love." jodie foster said to ryan weatherbee.
"love?" ryan weatherbee asked jodie foster.
"this ryan treeves uses his love to suffocate the companions he seeks out. trails of heart eyes emojis are left behind after every step he takes. these heart emojis that he sends to his companions begin to increase over time & they suffocate & kill the companion." jodie foster said to ryan weatherbee. Ryan weatherbee then remembered something. Ryan weatherbee remembered finding heart eyes emojis in the poop he found in Torlando Tlorida. The poop that smelled like quin roseboom the giant tennis ball.
"i highly suggest you find your friend before he becomes the next victim of ryan treeves." jodie foster said to ryan weatherbee. The mothership then started shaking.
"good luck ryan" jodie foster said. Then all of a sudden the floor started buckling & the next thing ryan weatherbee knew he was falling through space and where he ended up next was too hard for him to believe.

Find out where ryan weatherbee ended up in the next chapter of THE RETURN OF RYAN BASS!!!
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