Chapter IV

edited July 2015 in Formula For Danger
This is a place for help, hints and tips on Chapter 4!! Good luck everyone (including myself!)  :D


  • Yay! let me know if you need anything.

    "So plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers"honeylmskjfl

  • Guys wat do you do once in the library??!?!?
  • Hi Rice.
    When you're in the library, look for a Morse Code Book.  Snoop around the bookshelves, you'll find things.
    Periodically go back out into the foyer and call up the staircase to Anne.  Once you've found all the things you can find in the library, and you've called up to her from the foyer, the Chapter will end.

    GL!  :D

    Ask before taking.
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