VFK TONIGHT Premiere is OUT NOW! Watch here!

Hey everyone!! :D
Very excited to share VFK TONIGHT's premiere episode with everyone!!
This week's guests were @PinkyB and @SportyChic! @PigletFan had a breathtaking performance of the mega-hit "HELLO" by Adele!!
We also had so much fun with our very own STUDIO AUDIENCE playing I Spy!! :D ( If you were in the audience and have pictures feel free to share! )
AND... we announced the winner of the 100k giveaway!!
Please enjoy VFK Tonight!! :D
Make sure to tell all your friends to watch too!
Cya soon!
( P.S. Our beautiful art work was done by the very talented @showjumpingbird ! )
"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥