Peril in Pemberley Update!
Here is the latest update on Peril in Pemberley!
Amazon now has one of our games up and available for download, unfortunately it is not Peril in Pemberley.
The game they have available is the desktop version of Sharks Vs Zombies, which is the same as we have In-Game, but as a stand alone desktop version.
We were using Sharks Vs Zombies as our test download for setting things up with Amazon, so do not buy the desktop version of Sharks Vs Zombies, as it is the same game you already have here.
So, where are we now? Frustrated!
In addition, we have had a lot of requests from our long time players to release Peril in Pemberley on Friday afternoon, so that everyone can have the opportunity to start it at the same time!
During the week, there are the usual conflicts with school, homework and business commitments, so it makes it especially challenging for a lot of people.
Since Peril In Pemberley is our first big desktop game we of course want everyone to have the best experience possible, so let's plan on Friday at 3:30 PM Pacific Time (6:30 PM Eastern Time) January 29th, 2016! Remember, when you order the game, you will receive both the Download Version, which you can download and start playing immediately, and the Wrist Band Version, which will come in the mail!
Pull on your party hats and ready the confetti, and plan on being here Friday, January 29th for the most momentous occasion you have ever witnessed! (Yes, Gracie got ahold of this sentence!)
Keep an eye on the Countdown at http://www.missclue.com/ and watch for more daily Regency Era Updates!
If you have any questions, just let us know here at the Miss Clue Forums!
Keep sleuthing, detectives!
Miss Clue Team
what exactly is the difference between the download version and the wristband version?
and how will we be able to purchase if not on amazon????
@VFK_Mintie ok amazon is NOW showing this is available at 8 am est , http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B017HUNJJY/ref=dp_olp_0?ie=UTF8&condition=all
but the CD game mail delivery is between Feb 4-9th.
cant find anywhere on VFK that shows how to buy it directly (IF SOMEONE COULD link us to where please) OR . if we purchase on amazon now how can we get the game to play today what are the steps we need to do if we can get it through amazon to play today
update: 9 am est
hmm just went back to link again and now its saying There are currently no listings for this product. was this a fluke on amazon part ???