Custom Invisible Exits! (Thoughts and Idea Thread)

I had idea! So, you know how we have custom invisible entry way points where we say entry on/off to place the entrance anywhere in our rooms? What if we have this but for exits!? Now.. we already have this (sort of but different) already for the multi-room gold stamp rooms (Example: Haunted Mansion, Farm House..). Why not this but have the "way out" lead to ANY of our personal rooms we choose. It would work much like teleporters but only difference is they are invisible teleporters where when you move your mouse over it, it says "way out". We could have several in a single room and placed wherever we wanted it to be. Instead of it connecting to another rooms invisible entry point, it would connect to another "way out" in another location/room (much like a teleporter). This way the invisible entry point will still work for when players enter the room from other places of vfk. I don't know if this would be too complicated in actual game play for players though. So please share your thoughts/ideas/suggestions on the thread in regard to this. If this ends up being TOO complicated, I think maybe some more generic rug/mat teleporters would be very useful and handy. Like in multiple plain/soild colors that would work in multiple themes settings. The ones we have are game mat porters and holiday mat teleporters. Those sadly do not work in a variety of different settings. OR have the non-teleporter wood doors be made in a wood door teleporter option?
Custom Invisible Exits!?
  1. Do you like the idea of having a "Custom Invisible Exit!?
    1. YES!
    2. NO!
    3. Maybe But Depends! (I will post my idea in the thread below)

waterfallglow signature

my signature was drawn by waterfallglow (me)! I did this completely myself using Paint program. :) ^_^


  • BUMP!

    waterfallglow signature

    my signature was drawn by waterfallglow (me)! I did this completely myself using Paint program. :) ^_^

  • I think the more features to enable creativity for builders, the better. Of course, if something is complex to program though, then devs, just do what is possible
  • waterfallglow signature

    my signature was drawn by waterfallglow (me)! I did this completely myself using Paint program. :) ^_^

  • what if the mouse over exits were like teleporters but in the form or way out feature. and it said teleport instead of way out so plays would not get confused with the regular room way outs that take you to a certain public room. zanze had the idea to make what it says custom too. like a sign board. so we could make the mouse over exit say something like.. to kitchen or to backyard..

    waterfallglow signature

    my signature was drawn by waterfallglow (me)! I did this completely myself using Paint program. :) ^_^

  • This completely slipped my mind!!

    I would still LOVE to see something like this come into the game for building purposes, and just more ways to connect rooms seamlessly (I've got some ideas for this already!!). A set of teleporters that resemble the appearance and functionality of the 'WAY OUT' tile: customizable text, only appears when hovered over, a 'teleporter on, teleporter off' functionality similar to entry points & rides. They could effectively function as a normal set of teleporters but the appearance and interactive nature would feel more as if the rooms were actually connected!

    Another idea I think could be a fun dynamic are sign boards/or objects of sorts (haven't put much thought into the object side) that could be linked to rooms, similar to the Room Invitation Pin or how the Christmas rooms (UFO, Submarine, Trojan Horse, etc.) teleport you to a room when clicked. I know in HOST mazes there are clickable signs that take you back to the start of the maze, so perhaps something similar in nature for both. An editable sign that teleporters you to the Guest Room it's linked to when clicked// objects that also have that same functionality.
  • Zanze said:

    This completely slipped my mind!!

    I would still LOVE to see something like this come into the game for building purposes, and just more ways to connect rooms seamlessly (I've got some ideas for this already!!). A set of teleporters that resemble the appearance and functionality of the 'WAY OUT' tile: customizable text, only appears when hovered over, a 'teleporter on, teleporter off' functionality similar to entry points & rides. They could effectively function as a normal set of teleporters but the appearance and interactive nature would feel more as if the rooms were actually connected!

    Another idea I think could be a fun dynamic are sign boards/or objects of sorts (haven't put much thought into the object side) that could be linked to rooms, similar to the Room Invitation Pin or how the Christmas rooms (UFO, Submarine, Trojan Horse, etc.) teleport you to a room when clicked. I know in HOST mazes there are clickable signs that take you back to the start of the maze, so perhaps something similar in nature for both. An editable sign that teleporters you to the Guest Room it's linked to when clicked// objects that also have that same functionality.

    @Zanze I JUST saw your reply to this months later after you posted it. Oops! Anyway, I am SO glad other players seems to like this idea too! I love your idea of the "teleporter off" and "teleporter on" idea. This is right along with my thoughts of what I was thinking too.

    Also, I LOVE your idea for sign boards/objects! I think this is a great idea and something I had not thought of. Thank you so much for sharing this thought and idea! Thank you well for your support on my ideas too. So good to know that the players are in agreement on these things. Keep up the brainstorming, this is great and so exciting! <3

    waterfallglow signature

    my signature was drawn by waterfallglow (me)! I did this completely myself using Paint program. :) ^_^

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