2021 Item Updates!

edited December 2021 in VFK General
Howdy Everyone!

Here is a brand new 2021 Item updates!

We are in the last part of 2021!  Then it will be 2022!  OMG!!

Feel free to let us know about any updates you'd like to see for existing VFK items.

VFK Mintie


  • Thank you for fixing the wax museum furniture. So beautiful!
  • The OMG Trivia Hollywood Signs still dont have a inventory icon. Its just the spinning circles.

  • Is there a way to fix this

  • edited December 2021
    Poinsettia - White - Medium and Poinsettia - White - Large are the same size in game! Just the base is different colors! @VFK_Mintie
  • edited December 2021
    Mintie and Staff, the "Saint Nicholas Day Stocking - 2021" and the "Enchantment: Snow Cover - 1 Star" items STILL do not load even though they were released over a week ago.

    I use the stockings to help build my holiday rooms out so it would be an IMMENSE help if the developers could fix this issue as soon as possible.

    Thanks and Merry Christmas! :)

  • Our Celtic Christmas record does not play.  :(
  • edited January 2022
    Hi staff.  The following don't load, although you may currently be working on them.  Still, a short list:

    Christmas 2021 quaint fireplace FIXED, THANKS STAFF!!

    Christmas 2021 quaint stocking FIXED, THANKS STAFF!!

    Advent 2021 pin - Day XIX Tree  PIN WORKS NOW, THANKS STAFF!

    (Millionear already mentioned the Saint Nicholas Day Stocking - 2021)  FIXED, THANKS STAFF!!!!

    Candy cane - teleporter (last Sunday's quest item)  FIXED, THANKS STAFF!!!

    Also the 'Ultimate Thanksgiving Day - hair- Boy' cannot be traded (the rest of the outfit can, though).  The entire girl outfit including hair can be traded.  So there's a hiccup,  THIS IS NOW FIXED, TY STAFF.

    Both party favors from each of the 2021 Christmas Balls  NOW WORKING!  THX, STAFF!!!
    2022 Neon Sign (Sunday quest item)   NOW WORKING, THX STAFF!!!

    In addition, the Mary and Joseph pins have been awarded.  Very pretty! 

    Eta:  according to my list, all items have been addressed.  Once again, thanks staff.  I can only imagine how busy you all have been.  (Holiday Hugs)

    Thanks much.  Flame

    You'd be surprised what you can do with the short end of the stick
  • edited January 2022
    Waiting (im)patiently for our 2021 Christmas fireplace.

  • Quick FYI, there was an issue at Autumn Imports with the latest members girl outfits for the NY 2022 ball.  There were a couple/few mis-labeled skirts and tops.  The affected colors were 'black', 'white' and 'black and white'.  If you bought any New Years 2022 girls outfits (members only) before today, you might want to go back and check what you have against what's available in AI now.  The labels are now corrected.   thanks staff!!

    You'd be surprised what you can do with the short end of the stick
  • Waiting (im)patiently for our 2021 Christmas fireplace.

    Wish granted ;)  Flame

    You'd be surprised what you can do with the short end of the stick
  • edited January 2022
    Some of the 2021 Christmas doll colours have the wrong previews. For example:

    The "Ice Blue", "Blue", and "Teal" dolls show up correctly when placed, but have the wrong preview in inventory.




    There may be other colours like this as well, these are just the 3 I've noticed so far.
  • edited February 2022
    I realized while going through my inventory that a number clothing items don't have their image load. Where the image typically appears is just a continuous loading symbol. 

    The items I know of that have this issue are:

    Rain Hat - Blue
    Rain Hat - Yellow
    Rain Hat - Pink
    Rain Hat - Green

    Rain Coat - Blue - Boy
    Rain Coat - Blue - Girl (Not Pictured)
    Rain Coat - Yellow - Boy
    Rain Coat - Yellow - Girl (Not Pictured)
    Rain Coat - Pink - Girl (Not Pictured)
    Rain Coat - Green - Boy
    Rain Coat - Green - Girl (Not Pictured)

    Rain Boots - Blue - Boy
    Rain Boots - Blue - Girl (Not Pictured)
    Rain Boots - Yellow - Boy
    Rain Boots - Yellow - Girl (Not Pictured)
    Rain Boots - Pink - Girl (Not Pictured)
    Rain Boots - Green - Boy
    Rain Boots - Green - Girl (Not Pictured)

    2014 New Year's HOST Tee - Boy
    2014 New Year's HOST Tee - Girl (Not Pictured)

    Miniature Beach Resort Hat

    2015 New Year's HOST Tee - Boy
    2015 New Year's HOST Tee - Girl (Not Pictured)

    Christmas Antler Hat

    Midsummer Night's 2019 Ball Mask - Host Exclusive

    Easter 2021 Pants - Blue Fade - Boy
    Easter 2021 Pants - Blue Face - Girl (Not Pictured)
    Easter 2021 Pants - Green Fade - Boy
    Easter 2021 Pants - Green Fade - Girl (Not Pictured)
    Easter 2021 Pants - Stripes - Boy
    Easter 2021 Pants - Stripes - Girl (Not Pictured)
    Easter 2021 Pants - Tie-Dye - Boy
    Easter 2021 Pants - Tie-Dye - Girl (Not Pictured)

    Some other minor things I found that bothered me but aren't necessarily issues are:

    The dash between the pants color and gender is missing a space between the color and dash.

    This hat used to be named Foam Turkey Head Band but when football items were updated to start with Football Foam this hat was changed too, while it has nothing to do with football.

    NAMES FIXED --- Thank you! (Images still don't load for thee above items)
  • edited February 2022
    Also, the word 'Entrance' is spelt incorrectly in the name of these teleporters.

    FIXED --- Thank you!
  • Family V.I.P.  2022 pin does not load

    Still waiting on...

    • Event planner pin Thanksgiving 2021
    • Event planner items from 2021/2022 that were supposed to be awarded on January 10th
    • Gingerbread contest awards

  • edited January 2022
    Zanze said:


    Also, the word 'Entrance' is spelt incorrectly in the name of these teleporters.
    Spelt is a type of wheat. It is SPELLED incorrectly.  I mean, if you are complaining about grammar issues, LOL

    yep. feeling salty
  • Fonna said:

    Spelt is a type of wheat. It is SPELLED incorrectly.  I mean, if you are complaining about grammar issues, LOL

    yep. feeling salty
    Oops my mistake, and btw spelling issues aren't considered grammar! I guess we're both human!

  • Zanze said:

    Oops my mistake, and btw spelling issues aren't considered grammar! I guess we're both human!

    No worries, Zanze! We all make mistakes, nothing to worry about (:
  • Zanze said:

    Oops my mistake, and btw spelling issues aren't considered grammar! I guess we're both human!

    LOL! You're right!  giggle. Like you, I also notice spelling mistakes.  Sweet of @Northuldra to come to your defense but I was just having a giggle.  ;))
  • edited January 2022
    I'd love to be able to sit on the Yeti sofas!

    Fish chowder bowl and Ben Franklin portrait do not load.
  • edited January 2022
    Fonna said:

    I'd love to be able to sit on the Yeti sofas!

    Fish chowder bowl and Ben Frankling portrait do not load.
    The latest Heritage Gardening Grower badge and the new Heirloom seed are both also not loading.  Odd to see last Sunday's quest item still not loading.  Ben Frankling?  lol jk ;)

    You'd be surprised what you can do with the short end of the stick
  • Flamanar said:

    The latest Heritage Gardening Grower badge and the new Heirloom seed are both also not loading.  Odd to see last Sunday's quest item still not loading.  Ben Frankling?  lol jk ;)
    The list of items that don't load is certainly growing. What is happening @VFK_Mintie??
  • edited February 2022
    A couple more items that need addressed:  Ice Sorcerer's shoes.  Two shoes are listed as colors that are not shown correctly:


    I'm gonna call those boots 'done'.  There appears to be an incredibly slight 'hue' to the boots above, even though they look white.  As such, will consider them 'fixed' unless I hear otherwise.

    Ben Franklin portraits are now loading.  

    Fish chowder bowls are now loading.

    Edited to add:  latest heirloom seeds and latest heirloom pin not loading.  Fixed!  Thanks staff!

    Edited to add:  Family V.I.P. 2022 pin still does not load

    (adding on 1/31/22):  Sunday quest bears not loading.  Bears now load!  And they're cute!

    Adding on 2/1/22:  2022 Chinese New Year pin not loading. Pin now loads.  love the colors, as usual!

    Adding 2/4/22:  Valentine's Day Heart Wreath - Pink does not load. now loads!  thanks staff!
    Thanks staff for helping out.  


    You'd be surprised what you can do with the short end of the stick
  • BUMP. As there are now 42 thousand threads about CDP taking over the forum.
  • edited February 2022
     BUMP.  As there are now 42 thousand threads about CDP taking over the forum.
    Thanks, Fonna.  I noticed the same.  Remember when VFK had their own forum?  It's so difficult to navigate this forum now, it's almost useless to me.  And most of those CDP posts can probably be consolidated into only a few posts.  I'm glad the new game is out, but VFK is still my focus.  Thank God I'm connected 'elsewhere'.  VFK has also been responsive to this thread, which is a relief...assuming people can find the thread.  Still, there's a need for a VFK-only forum.  Missclue isn't even on VFK anymore, nor does it appear related to VFK.  Major confusion for new and old VFK people alike.  Is Miss Clue 'bigger' than VFK?  Or is VFK 'Epic Ages' now?  Regardless, it's obvious MC is -the- website used by VFK/EA.  As such:  VFK/EA should have their own version of a website dedicated to just VFK/EA.  2 cents.

    You'd be surprised what you can do with the short end of the stick
  • edited February 2022
    Agree. Not to take anything away from the detective game genre and fans but there are a whole lot of us playing and paying for VFK and the list of things that needs to be fixed and brought up to date can be upsetting.
    I notice staff answering questions about issues in CDP but here we are, waiting for things that are not just days late but weeks and even months.
    I don't get it. We are paying for VFK here, monthly, annually, seasonally. 

    Being 'connected' elsewhere has its limitations as any sort of discussion that is not 100% - idk the word really - kind, flattering, whatever -  toward staff is quickly erased.

    Anyway, Staff, if you have time -- this list could use some attention. 

    And @Flamanar recommendation of separating Miss Clue and VFK into separate areas in the least is a great one, please consider.

  • edited February 2022
    Howdy @Fonna and @Flamanar!

    OMG!!  All things which have been mention here should be addressed in the next couple of days!  We always appreciate feedback and will endeavor to take care of anything we can that is reported!

    Also a separate forum is a great idea!!  We will have to see what we can do in 2022!  For now if it might help make things easier to find, there are categories on the right such as "VFK Trading Post" and "VFK Developer Ideas" which if you click them they will filter for only discussions that are in the category which is VFK related!

    Happy February!

  •                                                                             Thank you!
  • edited February 2022
    Howdy @Fonna and @Flamanar!

    OMG!!  All things which have been mention here should be addressed in the next couple of days!  We always appreciate feedback and will endeavor to take care of anything we can that is reported!

    Also a separate forum is a great idea!!  We will have to see what we can do in 2022!  For now if it might help make things easier to find, there are categories on the right such as "VFK Trading Post" and "VFK Developer Ideas" which if you click them they will filter for only discussions that are in the category which is VFK related!

    Happy February!

    Thanks Mintie.  I didn't mean to be hyper-critical.  If there's ever something I perceive as a 'problem', I typically will offer a solution (hearkens back to my computer programming/beta testing days).  That being said, I don't expect VFK to act on anything just because I spoke up.  We, as players, are kinda on the 'outside of the fishbowl', looking in.  We don't know what else is going on or is in the works (for the most part), so I'm probably mostly guilty of armchair quarterbacking.  lol  I -do- know that you and staff have been incredibly receptive to the items I've reported as being non-loading and/or broken.  For that, I'm thankful.  It just feels like there should be a better way of communicating with regards to all the VFK-folks.  Yes, things seem to get lost in the shuffle, and that concerns me (speaking for myself and nobody else).  It's easy to blame that on the new Miss Clue game, but I hope VFK isn't stretching themselves too thin with maintaining that -and- whatever is going on in VFK at the same time.  

    The filters on the right-menu are helpful, but I'm not sure which to use to inform staff of current issues.  'VFK Trading Post' is obvious, and 'VFK Developer's Ideas' appears to be for future suggestions to be added to game.  'Game suggestions and gaming in general' and 'General' sections are gray areas, as they could be used for either VFK/EA and/or Miss Clue..making for a bit of a mess of conflicting posts in those sections.

    Again, please don't think I'm taking a shot at VFK.  It is -still- my home.  We still pay for memberships.  If we had lost faith in VFK, we wouldn't be paying  I just always look to try to make things better/simpler/etc. as well as reporting issues in VFK (the title bar of the client still says 'Epic Ages Beta', so I'm treating it as a beta!).  I do also think maybe dropping the 'VFK' naming in general would be helpful....yet very messy.  I'm not sure that can even be done at all.  Right now, there are 2 websites with info regarding VFK/EA.  VFK 'news' and the EA devblog.  Each one typically lacks something the other site has.  The same information isn't carried across those sites.  Epic Ages is clearly where we're at, and I feel all new information should be either at one or the other site.  And then there are times where I confuse Epic Ages with the online gaming store Epic Games, lol.  Hey, I'm getting old ;)

    Love you folks, and will continue to try to help and offer solutions if/when I can.  You've been extremely receptive to my postings here, so I am grateful, and I have confidence things will continue to work themselves out fairly quickly.  Thanks for all you do (lots of hugs).  Flame

    You'd be surprised what you can do with the short end of the stick
  • The new Football Helmet Chairs do not load @VFK_Mintie

    I know this has been said at some point, But how come as of late everything new doesn't load right away? 
  • Oh and we also haven't gotten our Trophies from the Gingerbread contest.
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