!!!! Everything To You - GIFT's Version (Acoustic Song Cover) !!!!
Today, I bring YOU lots of content! I have sung and did a cover of Miss Clue's EVERYTHING TO YOU (acoustic version)! :O Surprise but not really bc some of y'all know about it. ;) (Especially Nautilus, MistyMew, Flamanar, Silver lolololol) :P :P :P Before I went breaking... Ya...
Attached here are several videos. Here are the key notes that I think overall of this wonderful experience. A little intro and BTS.
1. I've wanted to cover this song for a long time ever since hearing it! When I saw the title Everything To You - Anne's Version in the home page, I immediately thought that that is MISS CLUE's way of inviting musicians to do their own cover! :D I'm like, "WHY NOT!?!??!" And the rest is history...
2. This is how I'll sing it for RAD and NIXIE's wedding! With a ukulele in hand, serenading them lalalala! :D
3. I contacted VFK staff about everything including about posting my videos, so no worries for everything seen here. It's all staff approved! :) I had to make sure and I want staff to know as well. Staff has been cool about it!!!
4. Was I nervous? More like excited! That I can finally share this to y'all! :) I'm always excited whenever I can master something with my ukulele LIKE THIS SONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!
1. I arranged the song to be my own version and I chose it to sound Hawaiian themed - meaning I changed the tempo and the word placement BUT I stayed true to the chord progression of the original song. After figuring out my pitch start which is the F major chord in ukulele, I then studied the corresponding chords that resonates with F major, played it till I get the flow of the song. See the Behind The Scenes Video because that is the night I studied and play the chords for the very first time in ukulele.
2. I told Nikola, the awesome guitarist, to make it sound Hawaiian so I told him to add guitar slides! And he delivered as you can see in the video. Now it sounds more Hawaiian than ever. He also had to transpose it to guitar and since the 2 instruments are different from each other, the guitar chords will be different but still in tune with my ukulele chords. He also took care of the rest of the track, mixing and mastering it to its full potential! Also he edited the video. In short he did a lot of things. :)
3. I wanted to make as much content as possible with the song in one go (hence it took long lol), so there's also the fingerpicking version which made me practice the dexterity of both my hands along with memorizing finger picking!
4. There's so much extra shenanigans I made so I just uploaded all of them hahaha because YOLO! This is a special experience that I loved to have done. If MISS CLUE ever makes more song, I'll cover them haha (in my own way of course). :P
5. Thanks to my friend Brooke for transposing the lyrics! If it weren't for her, I will forever be singing the wrong words. As you can see in my FIRST TIME Testing the Song video, the lyrics are waaaaay off, lol. Because that's how I hear it. I then asked her for help because I can't figure out some words! So for a year or so, I've been humming the wrong words. :P Will be attaching the lyrics in this post as well.
That's all I could think for this song's behind the scenes! These are the different versions, starting with the official studio track! :)
Official Studio Track With Video:
Live Room Version:
Finger Picking/Fingerstyle Ukulele:
Another one in Instagram:
Behind The Scenes (Learning Lyrics, Chords):
Just Learned the Chords & Wrong Lyrics:
MORE EXTRA CONTENTEverything To You Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9mhmG-QPUyUgtb50tf4vXu60kbPB6wbL&fbclid=IwAR3GHkObnPdtv87eHqj4DyT5GMkhwNUpdyuILSm0lnQgGi4QnqWc_VxXBMA
Composer Miss Clue Team
Lyricist Miss Clue Team
Vocals Gift Princess
Ukulele Gift Princess
Guitar Nikola Cucukovic
Masterer Nikola Cucukovic
Lyrics Transcription Brooke Rice
F major
A minor
D minor
C major
B flat major
Everything To You
(Lyrics by Miss Clue Team)
(Arranged by Gift Princess)
Hey wanna go surfing?
And a 1, 2
A 1, 2, 3 go
Up at the break of dawn, you're always out and gone
You hit the beach you're in the sun and surfing
You say you got to fly, I never wonder why
Your spirits soar when you are off and surfing
Surf's up the waves are crashing in
Oh you say I am everything to you
Your sun and surf that I'm all that makes up you
Gonna catch some rays
Gonna ride the waves
Gonna ride the waves
You're surfing near and far, don't wonder where you are
You call and tell me you are off and surfing
Painting crash carve and curl, I'm your bodacious girl
The words don't matter in the sun and surfing
(Repeat Pre-chorus and Chorus)
Gonna ride the wa-aaaaaaaves
Gonna ride the wa-aaaaaaaves
Beach and sun and surf and curl
I am your bodacious girl
Moon and sun and stars and sky
You're my total surfing guy!
Oh you say I am everything to you
Your sun and surf that I'm all that makes up you
Gonna catch some rays
Gonna ride the wa-aaaaaaves
Gonna ride the wa-aaaaaaves
I'm gonna catch some ra-aaaaaaays
Gonna ride the wa-aaaaaaaves
Up at the break of dawn....
Hawaiian Slides
Fun fact: Shot glass was used as guitar slides bc his broke into a million pieces!
Another fun fact: I shot my video outside while it was super hot and also ants were biting my feet. @_@ So I had to re-film around 5 times and move to another location.
THANKS STAFF FOR THIS SONG! IT WAS A FUN PROJECT!!!!!! Glad to cover it in every way as much as possible. :))
ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3

Your voice sounds like a Disney princess :O I actually was watching it and my mom was nearby and she thought the same! Anyone else hear the princess sound in the video?
As I’m typing this I realize your gamer title is gift princess, I guess that goes with the Disney princess voice :P.
Great job :)
Yes, the moment he sent me the final edited I was like, wait, you were using a shot glass all along? I never knew, rofl! Sneaky! I've used him for my other acoustic tracks too, he learns so quick. XD And omg yes, studio sessions are fun and makes memorable experiences. Learning a lot too!
Check out his works, he's good with any genre!
ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3
Yes, I left the chords. Wanna jump on the track and play the keyboards or something? :D
A friend requested I put this in Spotify! I think I will. I need a cover artwork! :D
Awww thank you Sky. <3
You know you can listen to my Spotify & etc for more (and more coming). :)
You can find my published works in Spotify and other streaming platforms:
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/4wuWm2nL7xPxrQtIm1cUuU
ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3
Oh and I'll show you the drum set later.
ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3
Aloha y'all! The official track will release in all digital platforms by Dec. 1, 2020. Usually it will be a little late (because it takes a while for sites) but around that time.
Stream and pre-save link: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/giftprincess/everything-to-you
Now you can stream the song everywhere later! YAY!!! Thanks for listening and for keeping the magic of the game alive! Rock on!
Behind the artwork:
Behind the scenes artwork from NOELIA!
Drawing from first to finish! :)
ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3
Putting Miss Clue in the map - song is out now everywhere. :D
LISTEN NOW in Spotify
Song Link: https://open.spotify.com/track/7ggcrVcJ8kNVNTKUuwRho0?si=SCgAr9arQIGp9i36WBTKGA
Youtube Music:
Spotify Artist Link: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4wuWm2nL7xPxrQtIm1cUuU
IG post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CIRMb_dphuG/?igshid=jjyhtc70xo6b
BTS filming
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3