Selling Space Merchant & Trader items (Geodes, Pirate, etc)
1x Cybernetic Space Helmet - Extraordinary 300k
1x Space Miner's Pick Axe - Unique 200k
7x Purple Carry Geode 50K EACH
4x Green Carry Geode 50K EACH
12x Alien Space Helmet 15K EACH
12x Alien Space Helmet 15K EACH
1x Flowing Energy Fountain - Exceedingly Uncommon 1 MILLION (please note, this is not the tiered fountains)
1x Audrey II (Faba Ignota Decipiam) - Extraordinary 500K
2x Giant Space Ruby - Unique 150K EACH
1x Flowing Energy Fountain - Round - Very Uncommon 500K
3x Glowing Energy Crystals of Talos IV - Unqiue 125K EACH
5x Statue of the Golden Mystic - Unique 100K EACH
2x Pirate Treasure - Chair - Blue Striped - Unique 100K EACH
1x Techno Throne - Unqiue 80K EACH
6x Pirate Treasure - Captain's Table - Exceedingly Uncommon 80K EACH
3x Pirate Treasure - Captain's Desk - Extraordinary 80K EACH
3x Pirate Treasure - Skull and Sword - Extraordinary 80K EACH
2x Rigel X Golden Frog Statue - Unique 50K EACH
13x Geode Chair - Purple - Uncommon 50K EACH
5x Geode Chair - Green - Uncommon 50K EACH
7x Flowing Energy Tiered Fountain - Scarce 40K EACH
6x Golden Levitated Space Helmet - Very Uncommon 30K EACH
9x Silver Levitated Space Helmet - Very Uncommon 30K EACH
10x Preserved Alien Specimen - Green - Uncommon 30K EACH
9x Preserved Alien Specimen - Blue - Uncommon 30K EACH
1x Preserved Alien Specimen -Teal - Uncommon 30K EACH
3x Pirate Treasure - Captain's Chair - Purple - Exceedingly Uncommon 20K EACH
1x Pirate Treasure - Captain's Chair - Black - Extraordinary 20K EACH
5x Pirate Treasure - Captain's Chair - Blue - Exceedingly Uncommon 20K EACH
5x Pirate Treasure - Captain's Chair - Green - Exceedingly Uncommon 20K EACH
4x Pirate Treasure - Captain's Chair - Red - Extraordinary 20K EACH
6x Pirate Treasure - Chair - Purple - Scarce 10K EACH
9x Pirate Treasure - Chair - Red - Uncommon 10K EACH
13x Pirate Treasure - Chair - Green - Scarce 10K EACH
7x Pirate Treasure - Chair - Black - Uncommon 10K EACH
7x Pirate Treasure - Chair - Blue - Scarce 10K EACH
22x Alien Energy Pond - Scarce 10K EACH17x Flowing Energy Spire - Scarce 8K EACH
3x Pirate Treasure - Rusty Helmet - Common 5K EACH
12x Pirate Treasure - Booth Chair - Very Common 5K EACH5x Pirate Treasure - Gold Pile - Very Common
7x Pirate Treasure - Gold Pile - Small - Very Common
221x Pirate Treasure - Silver - Very Common 1K EACH
1x Pirate Treasure - Scattered Gems - Common 1K EACH
I run 13 bottles at a time so this page will constantly be updating with new items / new quantities.

Hi, do you have a screenshot of the alien energy pond?
ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3
Here you go! @GIFT
Thanks! I would like to buy all your energy ponds! Let me know when is convenient.
ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3
Hey @GIFT !