
edited October 2020 in VFK Trading Post
*Ruby Psygonian Eagle - Unique
*Croydon's Claw Throne
*Space Station Airlock Teleporters
(no image available)

Trying to wrap up my Space Mission prize set! :) Please LMK your wants, I have credits & items.



  • I have a Ruby Psygonian Eagle, also I have a few maps for "The Treasure of Psygon" which is the map that they come from, you are not guaranteed to get an eagle from the map, though it is the only map that has a chance of bringing them back much like the other "Unique" Space Mission prizes. e.g. Curious Silver Hand Sculpture from "The Silver Phantom" etc.

    Sheep_Trimmed blossomflower Sheep_Trimmed  - Just ask if you'd like me to make you a GIF or Sig Bar!
  • Blossomflower said:

    I have a Ruby Psygonian Eagle, also I have a few maps for "The Treasure of Psygon" which is the map that they come from, you are not guaranteed to get an eagle from the map, though it is the only map that has a chance of bringing them back much like the other "Unique" Space Mission prizes. e.g. Curious Silver Hand Sculpture from "The Silver Phantom" etc.

    OMG WHAT!!! :O

    ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3

    Miss Clue Mysteries Border 2 
    VFK thiefpeasant from enigma 1
    tazzie grinzzzz by moi
    Snazzy beanieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    surfer and her secrets lol
    G FOR GIFT GIFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Screenshot_1 VFK 000 winter65 VFK GIFTTTTTTTTT's BIRTHDAY VFK shy no shy scaleenigma questions my existence


    Made by @bluewiz
    THANK YOU!  

     santa claus listening to me
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    mrs claus 2022 music question
  • edited April 2020
    Blossomflower said:

    I have a Ruby Psygonian Eagle, also I have a few maps for "The Treasure of Psygon" which is the map that they come from, you are not guaranteed to get an eagle from the map, though it is the only map that has a chance of bringing them back much like the other "Unique" Space Mission prizes. e.g. Curious Silver Hand Sculpture from "The Silver Phantom" etc.

    Thanks for the info! Is the map the title when you select a bottle for starting the expedition? Or is this a separate item? And then follow up question, any chance your statue/maps for trade? Ha! @blossomflower

  • Blossomflower said:

    I have a Ruby Psygonian Eagle, also I have a few maps for "The Treasure of Psygon" which is the map that they come from, you are not guaranteed to get an eagle from the map, though it is the only map that has a chance of bringing them back much like the other "Unique" Space Mission prizes. e.g. Curious Silver Hand Sculpture from "The Silver Phantom" etc.

    I'm curious as well...although I do want a Ruby Psygonian Eagle, I was not aware of a map.  Where did you get the map from and as it has been asked already, if you have a map...is/are any of them for trade?

  • edited April 2020
    @I.Am.Chalk it is the title when you get the mysterious bottle scanned at the galactic trading post, I keep the bottles in different storage containers, and only ever have one in my inventory while scanning.

    @MellowMoz when you scan a map it tells you what the map is, there are 13 different kinds I am aware of. I have all maps for trade, if you want to make an offer, not to hijack Chalk's thread lol
    Sheep_Trimmed blossomflower Sheep_Trimmed  - Just ask if you'd like me to make you a GIF or Sig Bar!
  • Blossomflower said:

    @I.Am.Chalk it is the title when you get the mysterious bottle scanned at the galactic trading post, I keep the bottles in different storage containers, and only ever have one in my inventory while scanning.

    @MellowMoz when you scan a map it tells you what the map is, there are 13 different kinds I am aware of. I have all maps for trade, if you want to make an offer, not to hijack Chalk's thread lol
    Ok...so I just looked at the bottles I had in my inventory.  There are two key elements I'm looking at.  The title of the map and the location.  What are you looking at?

    For example I have two of the follow:

    1.  Kings Ransom - Beta Quadrant

    2. Kings Ransom - Leviathan Star System

    So which is important for me to look at?

    Thanks again Blossom,

  • @MellowMoz to the best of my knowledge the location is not a factor in obtaining any unique treasure, not that that might not change in the future, as there used to be no unique prizes until 2016? (correct me if I'm wrong)

    So the only factor here is the Kings Ransom map type, which returns the "Rigel X Golden Frog Statue" as a unique prize.

    Sheep_Trimmed blossomflower Sheep_Trimmed  - Just ask if you'd like me to make you a GIF or Sig Bar!
  • Blossomflower said:

    @MellowMoz to the best of my knowledge the location is not a factor in obtaining any unique treasure, not that that might not change in the future, as there used to be no unique prizes until 2016? (correct me if I'm wrong)

    So the only factor here is the Kings Ransom map type, which returns the "Rigel X Golden Frog Statue" as a unique prize.

    Ok...thanks.  I'll send one of Kings Ransom's off and see what I get back.  Thanks.
  • edited April 2020
    Good luck @MellowMoz!

    As I said before though, you are not guaranteed to get the unique prize from the map, but each map has it's own unique prize that only that map has a chance of bringing back.

    EDIT: I have 5 Psygon maps ATM, if anyone is interested! 
    Sheep_Trimmed blossomflower Sheep_Trimmed  - Just ask if you'd like me to make you a GIF or Sig Bar!
  • Blossomflower said:

    Good luck @MellowMoz!

    As I said before though, you are not guaranteed to get the unique prize from the map, but each map has it's own unique prize that only that map has a chance of bringing back.

    EDIT: I have 5 Psygon maps ATM, if anyone is interested! 
    Id be interested in trading for 2 maps!

  • Posted updated, found a few more recent items Im missing :o

  • Croydon's Claw Throne

    I have this as well, just as my last post.. looking for a lot of crafting items
    wool thread
    wool cloth
    elemental dye's and bottles

  • Munchykin said:

    Croydon's Claw Throne

    I have this as well, just as my last post.. looking for a lot of crafting items
    wool thread
    wool cloth
    elemental dye's and bottles

    I have:
    44x Pink Dye
    10x Yellow Dye
    21x Green Dye
    19x Blue Dye
    80x Elemental Dye Bottles (empty)
    9x Angora Thread
    9x Angora Fluff

    LMK if we can do for the throne & frog lamp! @Munchykin

  • I.Am.Chalk said:

    I have:
    44x Pink Dye
    10x Yellow Dye
    21x Green Dye
    19x Blue Dye
    80x Elemental Dye Bottles (empty)
    9x Angora Thread
    9x Angora Fluff

    LMK if we can do for the throne & frog lamp! @Munchykin
    definitely NO more pink dye LOL
    but yes to the rest if you can replace the pink dye with credits :)
  • edited April 2020
    Munchykin said:

    definitely NO more pink dye LOL
    but yes to the rest if you can replace the pink dye with credits :)
    Hah! I dont know how I ended up with all that pink, that works for me. I can meet whenever, just LMK how many credits! @munchykin

  • @I.Am.Chalk do you have any fire-breathing/non-fire-breathing stone heads?
    Sheep_Trimmed blossomflower Sheep_Trimmed  - Just ask if you'd like me to make you a GIF or Sig Bar!
  • Blossomflower said:

    @I.Am.Chalk do you have any fire-breathing/non-fire-breathing stone heads?

    I have 1 of the original Fire Breathing :) @Blossomflower

  • @I.Am.Chalk would you swap the 2 Psygon maps for it?
    Sheep_Trimmed blossomflower Sheep_Trimmed  - Just ask if you'd like me to make you a GIF or Sig Bar!
  • Blossomflower said:

    @I.Am.Chalk would you swap the 2 Psygon maps for it?

    Sure let's do it! :)
    Im in the auction if you can meet now! @blossomflower

  • @I.Am.Chalk  I'll get them and head over!
    Sheep_Trimmed blossomflower Sheep_Trimmed  - Just ask if you'd like me to make you a GIF or Sig Bar!
  • I.Am.Chalk said:

    Hah! I dont know how I ended up with all that pink, that works for me. I can meet whenever, just LMK how many credits! @munchykin
    you can pick any amount :) when are you usually online?
  • Blossomflower said:

    I have a Ruby Psygonian Eagle, also I have a few maps for "The Treasure of Psygon" which is the map that they come from, you are not guaranteed to get an eagle from the map, though it is the only map that has a chance of bringing them back much like the other "Unique" Space Mission prizes. e.g. Curious Silver Hand Sculpture from "The Silver Phantom" etc.

    @Blossomflower Thanks for all the info! I learned a lot (and learned to read the scan before running a bottle, haha)!

    My expedition is off. :)

    Psygonian Glyphs

    ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3

    Miss Clue Mysteries Border 2 
    VFK thiefpeasant from enigma 1
    tazzie grinzzzz by moi
    Snazzy beanieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    surfer and her secrets lol
    G FOR GIFT GIFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Screenshot_1 VFK 000 winter65 VFK GIFTTTTTTTTT's BIRTHDAY VFK shy no shy scaleenigma questions my existence


    Made by @bluewiz
    THANK YOU!  

     santa claus listening to me
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    mrs claus 2022 music question

  • Blossomflower said:

    @Blossomflower , thanks from me as well for all this info.  Normally, I just grab a bottle, scan it and fire it off.  If it brings back something cool, I'm happy.  If not, I complain like crazy.  LOL!!  Honestly, some of the missions return with so much 'common gold' (still trying to wrap my head around that), space outpost tiles, walls, 'pipes'??  Useless junk.  I get garbage from the Trader for barrels.  I think I have about 60 booth chairs now.  lol  I hadn't been doing many space tasks until space month.  I've had some...great surprises ;)  Oh hey, I got a shiny space pickaxe the other day LOL!  I'm still jealous that my daughter landed a large red ruby crystal (don't get me started)  lol


    You'd be surprised what you can do with the short end of the stick
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