that darn bedpost puzzle

can anyone post the REAL solution to this puzzle? I've tried everything and it still wont work. is there anything in the game that tells you thr order?


  • Hi @junior_detective!

    Sounds like you're doing a great job solving the mystery!

    That puzzle is unique to every game!  There are two ways to solve it, one is by looking at the writing that appears when you perform an action and the second is to listen to the sounds!

    Someone posted a walkthrough for chapter 7 and this puzzle here:

    The top row is random, but the bottom row of buttons always go from left to right.  Click the top row of flower buttons one after the other until you either see a lower case "click" or a different sound from the rest.  Then go to the bottom row of buttons and click the one all the way to the left!  The puzzle proceeds as written above until all the buttons on the bottom are down!

    I hope this helps and if you have any questions just let us know!

    Good luck!

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