VFK Book Club
Hello, hello, hello, ladies and gentlemen of the Miss Clue Forums! Today I have decided to bring a book club to VFK!
"How does it work," you might ask? Well, every few months I will ask for nominations for the books we should read over the following three or four months, and whichever seven or eight books are suggested the most will be put in a poll. Then, all book club members will vote on a poll which one they want to read the most. I will look at the results and we will read three or four of the most chosen books (one each month) and at the end of each month, we will discuss the month's book. After the four months, we will repeat the process.
NOTE: If you would like to join, let me know, and I will add you to the list! :)
Have fun, guys!
What Do You Think About This Idea?
- Do you think this is a good idea?
- Yes! I love books, and I am SO excited for this! :D100.00%
- Eh. It's okay, but it could DEFINITELY be better.  0.00%
- No, definitely not. Why would you ever even think of this? :/  0.00%

Thank you @Purrfect!
ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3