Miss Clue Fanatic: Season 2, Part 7
(The first scene in this episode is inspired by Doll Wars. Thank you MaroonTealFlower!)
Scene: Anne and the children are still in the dungeon
Martha: -Walking back and forth- We have to get out of here!
Lucy: But how?
Martha: -Stomps foot- I don't know!
Anne: Now now Martha, everything will be fine.
Kristi: -Examining the lock- My needle won't unlock this!
John: We'll be in here forever!
Lucy: -Shivers- Forever??
Martha: Don't listen to John, Lucy.
Lucy: But what if we really are here forever?
Martha: -Hesitates-
Anne: We won't be, Lucy.
Kristi: What my mom said. Still not used to calling you that.
Anne: -Smiles-
Martha: -Continues to walk back and forth, but steps on something- Um, I stepped on a key?
John: They left the key IN the dungeon??
Lucy: What kind of criminals are they?
Kristi: Very weird ones!
Anne: -Unlocks the door-
Scene: Back at the Darcy's home...
Jane: -Looking out the window- They should have been home by now!
Josh: I'm sure that everything is fine.
Jane: How do you know for sure?
Josh: Well, um...
Jane: See!
Josh: They're probably looking for some sort of adventure.
Jane: Well, they did do that often in our old house.
Josh: See? Nothing to worry about.
Jane: I don't have a good feeling about this...
Josh: I'll call the police then.
Scene: Julia is in her room, on the phone with someone...
Julia: Hey Andrew! What's up?
Andrew: Worried.
Julia: Why so?
Andrew: Oh, right. I didn't tell you.
Julia: Tell me what?
Andrew: That my mom was taken.
Julia: -Smiling- Oh no! That's terrible!
Andrew: I know... -Sigh-
Julia: I hope that she gets found.
Andrew: -Nods- So do I.
Julia: If you ever need any support, I'm here for you.
Andrew: Thanks, you're a good friend.
Julia: No problem. Well, I have to go.
Andrew: Talk to you later.
Julia: Byee! -Hangs up phone-
Julia: Ha, how blind that boy is!
Stay tuned for Season 2, Part Eight!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
Since I started reading late its awesome to have more parts come out!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!