Idea Blue Snowflake Beanie


I wanted to share a picture of an item I made that my friends and I have really been pushing VFK to make as a RARE WINTER HOST HUNT hat!  The hat Im suggesting VFK make is titled "Blue Snowflake Beanie" and will be a super elusive winter host hunt only available once!  This festive hat has a Colorful Royal Navy Blue Color with White Snowflakes circling around the hat and a snowy white pom pom hanging down in the back!

I want to note that I made this image to help show the style of a beanie that I like.  I kept the Boy "Mop Top" hair in mind when positioning the beanie because I prefer the style of beanies that shows a little of the bangs and side of the hair.  Additionally, the white pom pom also does not stick up, but hangs down in the back.

VFK blue pom
Thank you VFK and HAPPY Holidays!


  • Wow that's so awesome looking @millsfan!  how did you make the image?

    The only thoughts I have, is wouldn't releasing another slouch beanie ruin the current rarity of the black and white beanie?

    64HBS56TE0AI TY Jessizoid!

  • edited December 2017
    iStella said:

    Wow that's so awesome looking @millsfan!  how did you make the image?

    The only thoughts I have, is wouldn't releasing another slouch beanie ruin the current rarity of the black and white beanie?

    Hi @iStella.  I made this image in Photoshop :)  The beanie being slouched or not does not affect the Black and White Beanie we have now. The original beanie is really old and will always retain its value.  Making a new Host hat is no different than any other new Host Hunt prize we have gotten after the original Beanie.  Just because we have an old beanie that is valuable, that does not mean we can't make a new beanie.   A host item is a host item, and each has its own value.  Asking for it to be slouched does not mean the original beanie loses its value, this is just a new hat that would have its own value and will not affect the original beanie :)  

    Personally, I love the original beanie yet have always wanted a NEW host hunt for a Blue Snowflake Beanie like in this picture.  A lot of my friends have seen this picture and wish it was in game so all thats left is for VFK to consider this hat to be made in game.



    I'm astounded and I want that hat in VFK! Pronto! :D

    ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3

    Miss Clue Mysteries Border 2 
    VFK thiefpeasant from enigma 1
    tazzie grinzzzz by moi
    Snazzy beanieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    surfer and her secrets lol
    G FOR GIFT GIFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Screenshot_1 VFK 000 winter65 VFK GIFTTTTTTTTT's BIRTHDAY VFK shy no shy scaleenigma questions my existence


    Made by @bluewiz
    THANK YOU!  

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  • Hmm those are good points.  It's so cool and is in the same category of hat style though so idk.. I would just hate my beanie to lose value.  When you showed people the picture did they mention if they liked this better than the black and white beanie?
    64HBS56TE0AI TY Jessizoid!

  • edited December 2017
    iStella said:

    Hmm those are good points.  It's so cool and is in the same category of hat style though so idk.. I would just hate my beanie to lose value.  When you showed people the picture did they mention if they liked this better than the black and white beanie?

    I LOVE the black and white beanie and wear it a lot but I never had a cool BLUE snow hat to match my blue outfits!  This hat would just be another option when it comes to selecting a hat for your winter outfits.  Your original beanie is VERY rare and will never lose its value, don't worry at all! VFK made a new Beanie for the Anniversary and it did nothing but make people excited!  An item does not lose value based on any other item, people will always hold the original beanie to its value!  
  • It's a totally new idea, I'll have to think about it before I can jump on the wagon and help campaign!

    Thanks for sharing though!!

    64HBS56TE0AI TY Jessizoid!

  • Don't worry, a new beanie wont affect the value of old.

  • I.Am.Chalk said:

    Don't worry, a new beanie wont affect the value of old.

    I have to disagree here, I feel if VFK released other beanies it would decrease demand of the Original Beanie and therefore decrease the value.

    For instance if VFK put out different colored beanies the same style as the original to buy in Autumn Imports the value would go down significantly, as most people would be happy with with the similar beanie and not want an original.

    The beanie is a unique item as it is almost a symbol of status, and if you had to look closely to see it wasn't a "real beanie" it would definitely affect the status and the value would be purely for traders which wouldn't be more than a Reindeer Christmas Sweater.

    Sheep_Trimmed blossomflower Sheep_Trimmed  - Just ask if you'd like me to make you a GIF or Sig Bar!
  • edited December 2017
    Blossomflower said:

    I have to disagree here, I feel if VFK released other beanies it would decrease demand of the Original Beanie and therefore decrease the value.

    For instance if VFK put out different colored beanies the same style as the original to buy in Autumn Imports the value would go down significantly, as most people would be happy with with the similar beanie and not want an original.

    The beanie is a unique item as it is almost a symbol of status, and if you had to look closely to see it wasn't a "real beanie" it would definitely affect the status and the value would be purely for traders which wouldn't be more than a Reindeer Christmas Sweater.

    I highly doubt if a new beanie was made it would be an exact replica of the original but in a different color... for example, white with blue strips. When VFK released the host anniversary beanie, the value didn't change one bit on the original, it did however make the anniversary beanie more valuable (2 ice, comparative to recent host hats that are in the credit value). I highly doubt a new released item would change the value of one of the first and most popular host prizes in game. It's not just the item itself that makes something valuable, it also has to due with the age of the item, because not as many people have them as the years go on due to players leaving the game.

    As an example... you could compare to animal hoods, host sweaters, headdress (host vs. stamps), etc. If anything, the new releases made the originals more valuable, because of the "completest" mindset some people have.

    I guess in terms of people who don't consider themselves consistent traders or collectors (nothing wrong with that), I could see them feeling that a similar beanie would be suffice thus affecting the value.

    But in the case of the design Mills created (which is great by the way), other than parts of the hat structure, it doesn't even look remotely similar to the original.

    **EDIT: There was also the acorn beanie too, which again didn't affect the value of original**

  • I remember you posting this back on one of the old forums! I also noticed your..... "inspiration" for this beanie.... from Animal Crossing. :)


    If you'd like a signature similar to mine, please message me! I take requests!

  • Man this is a difficult call.  I can see both sides, I mean there are so many items in VFK it's difficult to keep track.  If there were multiple beanies, then that would mean you could no longer say "Looking for beanie trading my life" Because nobody would know which beanie you meant. You'd have to say "Looking for original beanie trading my life" Which, granted wouldn't be much of a change, but it's true, angle shoes, skeleton pants, and beanies are a symbol of VFK.  And they are a goal for all players in VFK to have.  I might be being nostalgic, but if they released more skeleton pants, more angel shoes and more beanies I'd feel like the VFK symbols would become confused.

    Then again I.Am.Chalk is the biggest trader I know and if she says the value won't change I definitely support that!  So if that is someone's worry, chalk has your back!

    I guess it's up to VFK because I certainly can't decide!

    P.S Awesome art mills!
  • @I.Am.Chalk Yes if the hat is different enough it wouldn't be an issue, though I feel any beanie style hat would affect the value of the original, the anniversary beanie is very stylized, and when it was released I didn't even really think of it as a "beanie" beanie as it is more like the "Santa Christmas Sweater Hat" from last Christmas, but still people saw it as a "beanie" and as you said that increased the value of the new hat more than if it was not considered a beanie.

    Not that millsfan's idea isn't really great, I think it looks very cute, but that beanie is even closer to the original beanie than the anniversary one, as it is a slouch beanie, and the reason I see lots of people suggest new beanies is because they want to have something like the original.  So to answer @iStella's question it could definitely effect the value in the eyes of non-traders which would in turn lower the value of the beanie as a whole.

    Each time VFK releases a hat seen as a beanie, the hype will be less than the last time, and it could eventually lose it's status as being the most popular hat in VFK.

    This would somewhat also apply to the Feather Hat and I would probably have a similar feeling to a suggestion of a new Headband Feather Hat as well.

    I'm not trying to be a stick in the mud here, I'm just saying that the beanie is very iconic in VFK and I'd hate to see it's popularity fade if many similar hats were introduced.

    Sheep_Trimmed blossomflower Sheep_Trimmed  - Just ask if you'd like me to make you a GIF or Sig Bar!
  • Awesome job @millsfan!  Great Idea!  Hope VFK makes it!
    Cool just got cooler!
  • edited December 2017
    The VFK beanie is so special!  It's a great idea but There can only be one beanie and I like it that way. I don't think it would work.  My mom even made me a beanie in real!  It just wouldn't be the same with more...
    ~~~~~~~neonheartssignature02~~ ~~~~~
  • I like the hat mills suggests, but I have to say I would prefer a lighter tone to match the snowflake gloves that vfk released as a quest item.. Is there any blue that can match these gloves? Anyone have suggestions? LOL (Besides the obvious snowflake antennae hat)

    Screen Shot 2017-12-20 at 8.16.46 PM
  • I already seen this hat in animal crossing. 
  • Perpetual_Fighter said:

    I like the hat mills suggests, but I have to say I would prefer a lighter tone to match the snowflake gloves that vfk released as a quest item.. Is there any blue that can match these gloves? Anyone have suggestions? LOL (Besides the obvious snowflake antennae hat)

    Screen Shot 2017-12-20 at 8.16.46 PM

    @Perpetual_Fighter maybe these?:

  • Blossomflower said:

    I have to disagree here, I feel if VFK released other beanies it would decrease demand of the Original Beanie and therefore decrease the value.

    For instance if VFK put out different colored beanies the same style as the original to buy in Autumn Imports the value would go down significantly, as most people would be happy with with the similar beanie and not want an original.

    The beanie is a unique item as it is almost a symbol of status, and if you had to look closely to see it wasn't a "real beanie" it would definitely affect the status and the value would be purely for traders which wouldn't be more than a Reindeer Christmas Sweater.

    I agree with @Blossomflower but you could turn your same design into a different hat, like earmuffs :)

  • Jessizoid said:

    I remember you posting this back on one of the old forums! I also noticed your..... "inspiration" for this beanie.... from Animal Crossing. :)


    Ya you got it!  I love this hat in AC so I always wanted it in VFK : )  Did you make that Shirt you attached in AC, or is that pic not yours? I love the shirt that person created!  In response to all the back and forth on this thread, all I can say is VFK making new items does not affect the value of an old item and regarding making a "Second" beanie, they have already made a few more beanies after the Original Beanie and everything is fine.  Just because they made a beanie a while ago, that doesn't mean we can't make new fashion in the game to go with more outfits.  I thought it would be fun to try to win a new beanie that could go with blue sweaters : )  
  • I really like the design of this hat! I would definitely wear it if I were able to earn one! I hope VFK makes this a reality.

  • For me (new player perspective and not owning beanie at the moment), it would not affect the value. It will however push me further to motivate myself to get the early and original rarer things. Just because I have won the recent host hunts doesn't mean I'm contented. LOLOL

    But actually it opened me up to more possibilities like what if I can complete all host hats? Or what if I can own an older item piece? I love love trying out VFK's trading market! I am still wishing for a lot of rare hats but also I am playing for the current contents the wonderful staff creates!

    As long as it has "HOST HUNT" as category stamped into an item, I believe, it claims a higher and superior mark than buy-able hats or other categories, therefore making them still very coveted. It's not like it was massively distributed to the mass.

    Like the above mentioned, there were other beanies released but there can only be one BEANIE when you utter the words, BEANIE. However you do have to say ORIGINAL because the anniversary one became popular. But this is just to not confuse people. :)

    ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3

    Miss Clue Mysteries Border 2 
    VFK thiefpeasant from enigma 1
    tazzie grinzzzz by moi
    Snazzy beanieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    surfer and her secrets lol
    G FOR GIFT GIFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Screenshot_1 VFK 000 winter65 VFK GIFTTTTTTTTT's BIRTHDAY VFK shy no shy scaleenigma questions my existence


    Made by @bluewiz
    THANK YOU!  

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  • I aggree @GiftPrincess.  The original beanie will retain its status, and yes (we do already have multiple beanies in VFK).  This beanie Im proposing would simply be a new hat given out in an exclusive host event, not buyable in the shop, and its not a re color of the original beanie… it's a new hat.  I hope confusion is clear now : )
  • edited December 2017
    It seems most people are rather divided on this topic, but there is no way to know for sure if it would reduce the value of the original beanie, my opinion is that it could certainly do that, and there would be no way for VFK to bring it back to it's original popularity.  

    The other beanie type hats (knitted cap with pom pom) in VFK (other than the original beanie) are quite different from a slouch style beanie like the original, so comparisons to those is not quite the same as this.

    I know for myself if there were more slouch beanies in VFK it would take some of the status off of the original, while not everyone feels that way, I imagine a lot of people feel the same as I do, and it would decrease the value in the eyes of those people, decreasing the number of people wearing the original, and decreasing the demand, therefore decreasing the value.

    I'm not trying to be negative, I'm just a little reluctant for VFK to start making those changes, there are so many other ideas for hats than re-designing an existing one.
    Sheep_Trimmed blossomflower Sheep_Trimmed  - Just ask if you'd like me to make you a GIF or Sig Bar!
  • edited December 2017
    This is getting to be a bit much, I just want to say because we have a black and white beanie from an old host hunt, that doesn't mean we shouldn't be allowed to EVER get an entirely new hat in a new style and color to coordinate with other outfits O_o. 

     If having an old hat means we can never get a new hat that has a similar style, thats just silly and makes the game less fun because online games are all about new content.  People love new clothing options, and many people would love a Blue Snowflake Beanie.  
  • @ColourzRNice OMG! Those are lovely! What dye do you mix for that beautiful light blue? Thank you for bringing those to my attention!
  • Personally I think this is why VFK hasn't really touched the Beanie.  It looks like there is a lot of controversy over it and it has the potential to have a large impact on the game. Whether for good or bad who's to say?  It seems some don't care really about the old beanie, others it sounds like it is very special to them and would upset them greatly to release a second beanie.  No matter what, if VFK released another slouch beanie I think it would make a portion of the VFK population unhappy.

    I'm not saying they shouldn't do it.  It's just if I were VFK I wouldn't want to get in this fight because why?  There are so many other hats to make besides beanies. Just saying...

    My two cents.
  • edited December 2017
    Blossomflower said:

    It seems most people are rather divided on this topic, but there is no way to know for sure if it would reduce the value of the original beanie, my opinion is that it could certainly do that, and there would be no way for VFK to bring it back to it's original popularity.  

    The other beanie type hats (knitted cap with pom pom) in VFK (other than the original beanie) are quite different from a slouch style beanie like the original, so comparisons to those is not quite the same as this.

    I know for myself if there were more slouch beanies in VFK it would take some of the status off of the original, while not everyone feels that way, I imagine a lot of people feel the same as I do, and it would decrease the value in the eyes of those people, decreasing the number of people wearing the original, and decreasing the demand, therefore decreasing the value.

    I'm not trying to be negative, I'm just a little reluctant for VFK to start making those changes, there are so many other ideas for hats than re-designing an existing one.
    I half agree and half disagree. You're right, it would take the value down a bit but I'm also kind of bored of seeing so many beanies in the same room rather than see different colors and hats. Like, I'd like to be in a room with a variety of different hats besides beanies and feathers. Although they are great and do hold status, we do need more color.

    That being said, if we are to have new hats, even if they're beanies, I would prefer them to be original and not taken off another game, like we see here with animal crossing inspiration. It's nice to have "VFK only" kind of vibes with original items. This isn't negative feedback either, just trying to put out some perspective. It also looks like one of those plain dollar tree kind of hats you can buy in a store. If we get a newer beanie, I would like a fresh and original design and color (like the acorn hat and anniversary beanie.)
  • @Perpetual_Fighter I'm pretty sure it's just the 2 blue berry dye combination.  I can trade those three hats if you want to work something out!

  • While the hat does seem like it would be cute I would have to agree that VFK Should make other types of hats first and not repeats.. I just feel like they over do on somethings and it would be nice to have more creative hats and even furniture.. :) We just recently this year had that new green and blue beanie as well so it really wouldn't make much sense to release more this soon in my opinion.. 
  • I think the snowflake beanie is a great idea! It's adorable and is totally and completely different than the original beanie. Other than the fact that it has "beanie" in the title, it's basically a completely different hat. Really it would just be another cool hat to have! 

    So let's take a real life example here. VFK recently released a quest (I think?) hat that is really similar to the blue valentine cowboy hat. It's a lot closer to the original rare hat than the proposed beanie is to the original. Did the new hat bring the original blue valentine hat down in value? 

    The other question is, did the anniversary beanie bring the original down in value? Either way you answer this question, the fact is that a second beanie has already been done in VFK.

    I might understand this controversy if it was a beanie that looked almost exactly like the original one (like how the quest cowboy hat looks almost exactly like the blue valentine hat). But it doesn't. @millsfan I think this is a great idea. I also think that it would be just another hat to collect.
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