Favorite room on VFK?
I told myself that I'd post here more, just.. I don't know what to post.
So, how about a question: what's your favorite room (public or private, or both if you can't choose!) on VFK?
My favorite room in general is the Sunken Ship Room (Obviously. I'm not VFK's resident pirate for nothing...) I made mine my "base of operations" so to speak. :D
What's yours?
So, how about a question: what's your favorite room (public or private, or both if you can't choose!) on VFK?
My favorite room in general is the Sunken Ship Room (Obviously. I'm not VFK's resident pirate for nothing...) I made mine my "base of operations" so to speak. :D
What's yours?

Currently the retro living room is my favorite, after that its definitely the pirate ship room.
Favorite public room is Central Square. Medieval age in general is my fav <3
I have several favorite public rooms and can't choose a most favorite. One of them tho is the new alien space store! So bright and colorful! My other favorite rooms are right outside the record store in retro age cause of the fountain and palm trees. Plus the wonderful tropical music playing there. Also, of course... any of the Zoo rooms! :O
my signature was drawn by waterfallglow (me)! I did this completely myself using Paint program. :) ^_^